
Built-in template filters used with the | operator.

   1"""Built-in template filters used with the ``|`` operator."""
   3import math
   4import random
   5import re
   6import typing
   7import typing as t
   8from collections import abc
   9from itertools import chain
  10from itertools import groupby
  12from markupsafe import escape
  13from markupsafe import Markup
  14from markupsafe import soft_str
  16from .async_utils import async_variant
  17from .async_utils import auto_aiter
  18from .async_utils import auto_await
  19from .async_utils import auto_to_list
  20from .exceptions import FilterArgumentError
  21from .runtime import Undefined
  22from .utils import htmlsafe_json_dumps
  23from .utils import pass_context
  24from .utils import pass_environment
  25from .utils import pass_eval_context
  26from .utils import pformat
  27from .utils import url_quote
  28from .utils import urlize
  31    import typing_extensions as te
  33    from .environment import Environment
  34    from .nodes import EvalContext
  35    from .runtime import Context
  36    from .sandbox import SandboxedEnvironment  # noqa: F401
  38    class HasHTML(te.Protocol):
  39        def __html__(self) -> str:
  40            pass
  43F = t.TypeVar("F", bound=t.Callable[..., t.Any])
  44K = t.TypeVar("K")
  45V = t.TypeVar("V")
  48def ignore_case(value: V) -> V:
  49    """For use as a postprocessor for :func:`make_attrgetter`. Converts strings
  50    to lowercase and returns other types as-is."""
  51    if isinstance(value, str):
  52        return t.cast(V, value.lower())
  54    return value
  57def make_attrgetter(
  58    environment: "Environment",
  59    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]],
  60    postprocess: t.Optional[t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any]] = None,
  61    default: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
  62) -> t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any]:
  63    """Returns a callable that looks up the given attribute from a
  64    passed object with the rules of the environment.  Dots are allowed
  65    to access attributes of attributes.  Integer parts in paths are
  66    looked up as integers.
  67    """
  68    parts = _prepare_attribute_parts(attribute)
  70    def attrgetter(item: t.Any) -> t.Any:
  71        for part in parts:
  72            item = environment.getitem(item, part)
  74            if default is not None and isinstance(item, Undefined):
  75                item = default
  77        if postprocess is not None:
  78            item = postprocess(item)
  80        return item
  82    return attrgetter
  85def make_multi_attrgetter(
  86    environment: "Environment",
  87    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]],
  88    postprocess: t.Optional[t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any]] = None,
  89) -> t.Callable[[t.Any], t.List[t.Any]]:
  90    """Returns a callable that looks up the given comma separated
  91    attributes from a passed object with the rules of the environment.
  92    Dots are allowed to access attributes of each attribute.  Integer
  93    parts in paths are looked up as integers.
  95    The value returned by the returned callable is a list of extracted
  96    attribute values.
  98    Examples of attribute: "attr1,attr2", "attr1.inner1.0,attr2.inner2.0", etc.
  99    """
 100    if isinstance(attribute, str):
 101        split: t.Sequence[t.Union[str, int, None]] = attribute.split(",")
 102    else:
 103        split = [attribute]
 105    parts = [_prepare_attribute_parts(item) for item in split]
 107    def attrgetter(item: t.Any) -> t.List[t.Any]:
 108        items = [None] * len(parts)
 110        for i, attribute_part in enumerate(parts):
 111            item_i = item
 113            for part in attribute_part:
 114                item_i = environment.getitem(item_i, part)
 116            if postprocess is not None:
 117                item_i = postprocess(item_i)
 119            items[i] = item_i
 121        return items
 123    return attrgetter
 126def _prepare_attribute_parts(
 127    attr: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]],
 128) -> t.List[t.Union[str, int]]:
 129    if attr is None:
 130        return []
 132    if isinstance(attr, str):
 133        return [int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in attr.split(".")]
 135    return [attr]
 138def do_forceescape(value: "t.Union[str, HasHTML]") -> Markup:
 139    """Enforce HTML escaping.  This will probably double escape variables."""
 140    if hasattr(value, "__html__"):
 141        value = t.cast("HasHTML", value).__html__()
 143    return escape(str(value))
 146def do_urlencode(
 147    value: t.Union[str, t.Mapping[str, t.Any], t.Iterable[t.Tuple[str, t.Any]]],
 148) -> str:
 149    """Quote data for use in a URL path or query using UTF-8.
 151    Basic wrapper around :func:`urllib.parse.quote` when given a
 152    string, or :func:`urllib.parse.urlencode` for a dict or iterable.
 154    :param value: Data to quote. A string will be quoted directly. A
 155        dict or iterable of ``(key, value)`` pairs will be joined as a
 156        query string.
 158    When given a string, "/" is not quoted. HTTP servers treat "/" and
 159    "%2F" equivalently in paths. If you need quoted slashes, use the
 160    ``|replace("/", "%2F")`` filter.
 162    .. versionadded:: 2.7
 163    """
 164    if isinstance(value, str) or not isinstance(value, abc.Iterable):
 165        return url_quote(value)
 167    if isinstance(value, dict):
 168        items: t.Iterable[t.Tuple[str, t.Any]] = value.items()
 169    else:
 170        items = value  # type: ignore
 172    return "&".join(
 173        f"{url_quote(k, for_qs=True)}={url_quote(v, for_qs=True)}" for k, v in items
 174    )
 178def do_replace(
 179    eval_ctx: "EvalContext", s: str, old: str, new: str, count: t.Optional[int] = None
 180) -> str:
 181    """Return a copy of the value with all occurrences of a substring
 182    replaced with a new one. The first argument is the substring
 183    that should be replaced, the second is the replacement string.
 184    If the optional third argument ``count`` is given, only the first
 185    ``count`` occurrences are replaced:
 187    .. sourcecode:: jinja
 189        {{ "Hello World"|replace("Hello", "Goodbye") }}
 190            -> Goodbye World
 192        {{ "aaaaargh"|replace("a", "d'oh, ", 2) }}
 193            -> d'oh, d'oh, aaargh
 194    """
 195    if count is None:
 196        count = -1
 198    if not eval_ctx.autoescape:
 199        return str(s).replace(str(old), str(new), count)
 201    if (
 202        hasattr(old, "__html__")
 203        or hasattr(new, "__html__")
 204        and not hasattr(s, "__html__")
 205    ):
 206        s = escape(s)
 207    else:
 208        s = soft_str(s)
 210    return s.replace(soft_str(old), soft_str(new), count)
 213def do_upper(s: str) -> str:
 214    """Convert a value to uppercase."""
 215    return soft_str(s).upper()
 218def do_lower(s: str) -> str:
 219    """Convert a value to lowercase."""
 220    return soft_str(s).lower()
 223def do_items(value: t.Union[t.Mapping[K, V], Undefined]) -> t.Iterator[t.Tuple[K, V]]:
 224    """Return an iterator over the ``(key, value)`` items of a mapping.
 226    ``x|items`` is the same as ``x.items()``, except if ``x`` is
 227    undefined an empty iterator is returned.
 229    This filter is useful if you expect the template to be rendered with
 230    an implementation of Jinja in another programming language that does
 231    not have a ``.items()`` method on its mapping type.
 233    .. code-block:: html+jinja
 235        <dl>
 236        {% for key, value in my_dict|items %}
 237            <dt>{{ key }}
 238            <dd>{{ value }}
 239        {% endfor %}
 240        </dl>
 242    .. versionadded:: 3.1
 243    """
 244    if isinstance(value, Undefined):
 245        return
 247    if not isinstance(value, abc.Mapping):
 248        raise TypeError("Can only get item pairs from a mapping.")
 250    yield from value.items()
 253# Check for characters that would move the parser state from key to value.
 254# https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#attribute-name-state
 255_attr_key_re = re.compile(r"[\s/>=]", flags=re.ASCII)
 259def do_xmlattr(
 260    eval_ctx: "EvalContext", d: t.Mapping[str, t.Any], autospace: bool = True
 261) -> str:
 262    """Create an SGML/XML attribute string based on the items in a dict.
 264    **Values** that are neither ``none`` nor ``undefined`` are automatically
 265    escaped, safely allowing untrusted user input.
 267    User input should not be used as **keys** to this filter. If any key
 268    contains a space, ``/`` solidus, ``>`` greater-than sign, or ``=`` equals
 269    sign, this fails with a ``ValueError``. Regardless of this, user input
 270    should never be used as keys to this filter, or must be separately validated
 271    first.
 273    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
 275        <ul{{ {'class': 'my_list', 'missing': none,
 276                'id': 'list-%d'|format(variable)}|xmlattr }}>
 277        ...
 278        </ul>
 280    Results in something like this:
 282    .. sourcecode:: html
 284        <ul class="my_list" id="list-42">
 285        ...
 286        </ul>
 288    As you can see it automatically prepends a space in front of the item
 289    if the filter returned something unless the second parameter is false.
 291    .. versionchanged:: 3.1.4
 292        Keys with ``/`` solidus, ``>`` greater-than sign, or ``=`` equals sign
 293        are not allowed.
 295    .. versionchanged:: 3.1.3
 296        Keys with spaces are not allowed.
 297    """
 298    items = []
 300    for key, value in d.items():
 301        if value is None or isinstance(value, Undefined):
 302            continue
 304        if _attr_key_re.search(key) is not None:
 305            raise ValueError(f"Invalid character in attribute name: {key!r}")
 307        items.append(f'{escape(key)}="{escape(value)}"')
 309    rv = " ".join(items)
 311    if autospace and rv:
 312        rv = " " + rv
 314    if eval_ctx.autoescape:
 315        rv = Markup(rv)
 317    return rv
 320def do_capitalize(s: str) -> str:
 321    """Capitalize a value. The first character will be uppercase, all others
 322    lowercase.
 323    """
 324    return soft_str(s).capitalize()
 327_word_beginning_split_re = re.compile(r"([-\s({\[<]+)")
 330def do_title(s: str) -> str:
 331    """Return a titlecased version of the value. I.e. words will start with
 332    uppercase letters, all remaining characters are lowercase.
 333    """
 334    return "".join(
 335        [
 336            item[0].upper() + item[1:].lower()
 337            for item in _word_beginning_split_re.split(soft_str(s))
 338            if item
 339        ]
 340    )
 343def do_dictsort(
 344    value: t.Mapping[K, V],
 345    case_sensitive: bool = False,
 346    by: 'te.Literal["key", "value"]' = "key",
 347    reverse: bool = False,
 348) -> t.List[t.Tuple[K, V]]:
 349    """Sort a dict and yield (key, value) pairs. Python dicts may not
 350    be in the order you want to display them in, so sort them first.
 352    .. sourcecode:: jinja
 354        {% for key, value in mydict|dictsort %}
 355            sort the dict by key, case insensitive
 357        {% for key, value in mydict|dictsort(reverse=true) %}
 358            sort the dict by key, case insensitive, reverse order
 360        {% for key, value in mydict|dictsort(true) %}
 361            sort the dict by key, case sensitive
 363        {% for key, value in mydict|dictsort(false, 'value') %}
 364            sort the dict by value, case insensitive
 365    """
 366    if by == "key":
 367        pos = 0
 368    elif by == "value":
 369        pos = 1
 370    else:
 371        raise FilterArgumentError('You can only sort by either "key" or "value"')
 373    def sort_func(item: t.Tuple[t.Any, t.Any]) -> t.Any:
 374        value = item[pos]
 376        if not case_sensitive:
 377            value = ignore_case(value)
 379        return value
 381    return sorted(value.items(), key=sort_func, reverse=reverse)
 385def do_sort(
 386    environment: "Environment",
 387    value: "t.Iterable[V]",
 388    reverse: bool = False,
 389    case_sensitive: bool = False,
 390    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
 391) -> "t.List[V]":
 392    """Sort an iterable using Python's :func:`sorted`.
 394    .. sourcecode:: jinja
 396        {% for city in cities|sort %}
 397            ...
 398        {% endfor %}
 400    :param reverse: Sort descending instead of ascending.
 401    :param case_sensitive: When sorting strings, sort upper and lower
 402        case separately.
 403    :param attribute: When sorting objects or dicts, an attribute or
 404        key to sort by. Can use dot notation like ``"address.city"``.
 405        Can be a list of attributes like ``"age,name"``.
 407    The sort is stable, it does not change the relative order of
 408    elements that compare equal. This makes it is possible to chain
 409    sorts on different attributes and ordering.
 411    .. sourcecode:: jinja
 413        {% for user in users|sort(attribute="name")
 414            |sort(reverse=true, attribute="age") %}
 415            ...
 416        {% endfor %}
 418    As a shortcut to chaining when the direction is the same for all
 419    attributes, pass a comma separate list of attributes.
 421    .. sourcecode:: jinja
 423        {% for user in users|sort(attribute="age,name") %}
 424            ...
 425        {% endfor %}
 427    .. versionchanged:: 2.11.0
 428        The ``attribute`` parameter can be a comma separated list of
 429        attributes, e.g. ``"age,name"``.
 431    .. versionchanged:: 2.6
 432       The ``attribute`` parameter was added.
 433    """
 434    key_func = make_multi_attrgetter(
 435        environment, attribute, postprocess=ignore_case if not case_sensitive else None
 436    )
 437    return sorted(value, key=key_func, reverse=reverse)
 441def do_unique(
 442    environment: "Environment",
 443    value: "t.Iterable[V]",
 444    case_sensitive: bool = False,
 445    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
 446) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
 447    """Returns a list of unique items from the given iterable.
 449    .. sourcecode:: jinja
 451        {{ ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar', 'FooBar']|unique|list }}
 452            -> ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar']
 454    The unique items are yielded in the same order as their first occurrence in
 455    the iterable passed to the filter.
 457    :param case_sensitive: Treat upper and lower case strings as distinct.
 458    :param attribute: Filter objects with unique values for this attribute.
 459    """
 460    getter = make_attrgetter(
 461        environment, attribute, postprocess=ignore_case if not case_sensitive else None
 462    )
 463    seen = set()
 465    for item in value:
 466        key = getter(item)
 468        if key not in seen:
 469            seen.add(key)
 470            yield item
 473def _min_or_max(
 474    environment: "Environment",
 475    value: "t.Iterable[V]",
 476    func: "t.Callable[..., V]",
 477    case_sensitive: bool,
 478    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]],
 479) -> "t.Union[V, Undefined]":
 480    it = iter(value)
 482    try:
 483        first = next(it)
 484    except StopIteration:
 485        return environment.undefined("No aggregated item, sequence was empty.")
 487    key_func = make_attrgetter(
 488        environment, attribute, postprocess=ignore_case if not case_sensitive else None
 489    )
 490    return func(chain([first], it), key=key_func)
 494def do_min(
 495    environment: "Environment",
 496    value: "t.Iterable[V]",
 497    case_sensitive: bool = False,
 498    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
 499) -> "t.Union[V, Undefined]":
 500    """Return the smallest item from the sequence.
 502    .. sourcecode:: jinja
 504        {{ [1, 2, 3]|min }}
 505            -> 1
 507    :param case_sensitive: Treat upper and lower case strings as distinct.
 508    :param attribute: Get the object with the min value of this attribute.
 509    """
 510    return _min_or_max(environment, value, min, case_sensitive, attribute)
 514def do_max(
 515    environment: "Environment",
 516    value: "t.Iterable[V]",
 517    case_sensitive: bool = False,
 518    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
 519) -> "t.Union[V, Undefined]":
 520    """Return the largest item from the sequence.
 522    .. sourcecode:: jinja
 524        {{ [1, 2, 3]|max }}
 525            -> 3
 527    :param case_sensitive: Treat upper and lower case strings as distinct.
 528    :param attribute: Get the object with the max value of this attribute.
 529    """
 530    return _min_or_max(environment, value, max, case_sensitive, attribute)
 533def do_default(
 534    value: V,
 535    default_value: V = "",  # type: ignore
 536    boolean: bool = False,
 537) -> V:
 538    """If the value is undefined it will return the passed default value,
 539    otherwise the value of the variable:
 541    .. sourcecode:: jinja
 543        {{ my_variable|default('my_variable is not defined') }}
 545    This will output the value of ``my_variable`` if the variable was
 546    defined, otherwise ``'my_variable is not defined'``. If you want
 547    to use default with variables that evaluate to false you have to
 548    set the second parameter to `true`:
 550    .. sourcecode:: jinja
 552        {{ ''|default('the string was empty', true) }}
 554    .. versionchanged:: 2.11
 555       It's now possible to configure the :class:`~jinja2.Environment` with
 556       :class:`~jinja2.ChainableUndefined` to make the `default` filter work
 557       on nested elements and attributes that may contain undefined values
 558       in the chain without getting an :exc:`~jinja2.UndefinedError`.
 559    """
 560    if isinstance(value, Undefined) or (boolean and not value):
 561        return default_value
 563    return value
 567def sync_do_join(
 568    eval_ctx: "EvalContext",
 569    value: t.Iterable[t.Any],
 570    d: str = "",
 571    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
 572) -> str:
 573    """Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the
 574    sequence. The separator between elements is an empty string per
 575    default, you can define it with the optional parameter:
 577    .. sourcecode:: jinja
 579        {{ [1, 2, 3]|join('|') }}
 580            -> 1|2|3
 582        {{ [1, 2, 3]|join }}
 583            -> 123
 585    It is also possible to join certain attributes of an object:
 587    .. sourcecode:: jinja
 589        {{ users|join(', ', attribute='username') }}
 591    .. versionadded:: 2.6
 592       The `attribute` parameter was added.
 593    """
 594    if attribute is not None:
 595        value = map(make_attrgetter(eval_ctx.environment, attribute), value)
 597    # no automatic escaping?  joining is a lot easier then
 598    if not eval_ctx.autoescape:
 599        return str(d).join(map(str, value))
 601    # if the delimiter doesn't have an html representation we check
 602    # if any of the items has.  If yes we do a coercion to Markup
 603    if not hasattr(d, "__html__"):
 604        value = list(value)
 605        do_escape = False
 607        for idx, item in enumerate(value):
 608            if hasattr(item, "__html__"):
 609                do_escape = True
 610            else:
 611                value[idx] = str(item)
 613        if do_escape:
 614            d = escape(d)
 615        else:
 616            d = str(d)
 618        return d.join(value)
 620    # no html involved, to normal joining
 621    return soft_str(d).join(map(soft_str, value))
 624@async_variant(sync_do_join)  # type: ignore
 625async def do_join(
 626    eval_ctx: "EvalContext",
 627    value: t.Union[t.AsyncIterable[t.Any], t.Iterable[t.Any]],
 628    d: str = "",
 629    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
 630) -> str:
 631    return sync_do_join(eval_ctx, await auto_to_list(value), d, attribute)
 634def do_center(value: str, width: int = 80) -> str:
 635    """Centers the value in a field of a given width."""
 636    return soft_str(value).center(width)
 640def sync_do_first(
 641    environment: "Environment", seq: "t.Iterable[V]"
 642) -> "t.Union[V, Undefined]":
 643    """Return the first item of a sequence."""
 644    try:
 645        return next(iter(seq))
 646    except StopIteration:
 647        return environment.undefined("No first item, sequence was empty.")
 650@async_variant(sync_do_first)  # type: ignore
 651async def do_first(
 652    environment: "Environment", seq: "t.Union[t.AsyncIterable[V], t.Iterable[V]]"
 653) -> "t.Union[V, Undefined]":
 654    try:
 655        return await auto_aiter(seq).__anext__()
 656    except StopAsyncIteration:
 657        return environment.undefined("No first item, sequence was empty.")
 661def do_last(
 662    environment: "Environment", seq: "t.Reversible[V]"
 663) -> "t.Union[V, Undefined]":
 664    """Return the last item of a sequence.
 666    Note: Does not work with generators. You may want to explicitly
 667    convert it to a list:
 669    .. sourcecode:: jinja
 671        {{ data | selectattr('name', '==', 'Jinja') | list | last }}
 672    """
 673    try:
 674        return next(iter(reversed(seq)))
 675    except StopIteration:
 676        return environment.undefined("No last item, sequence was empty.")
 679# No async do_last, it may not be safe in async mode.
 683def do_random(context: "Context", seq: "t.Sequence[V]") -> "t.Union[V, Undefined]":
 684    """Return a random item from the sequence."""
 685    try:
 686        return random.choice(seq)
 687    except IndexError:
 688        return context.environment.undefined("No random item, sequence was empty.")
 691def do_filesizeformat(value: t.Union[str, float, int], binary: bool = False) -> str:
 692    """Format the value like a 'human-readable' file size (i.e. 13 kB,
 693    4.1 MB, 102 Bytes, etc).  Per default decimal prefixes are used (Mega,
 694    Giga, etc.), if the second parameter is set to `True` the binary
 695    prefixes are used (Mebi, Gibi).
 696    """
 697    bytes = float(value)
 698    base = 1024 if binary else 1000
 699    prefixes = [
 700        ("KiB" if binary else "kB"),
 701        ("MiB" if binary else "MB"),
 702        ("GiB" if binary else "GB"),
 703        ("TiB" if binary else "TB"),
 704        ("PiB" if binary else "PB"),
 705        ("EiB" if binary else "EB"),
 706        ("ZiB" if binary else "ZB"),
 707        ("YiB" if binary else "YB"),
 708    ]
 710    if bytes == 1:
 711        return "1 Byte"
 712    elif bytes < base:
 713        return f"{int(bytes)} Bytes"
 714    else:
 715        for i, prefix in enumerate(prefixes):
 716            unit = base ** (i + 2)
 718            if bytes < unit:
 719                return f"{base * bytes / unit:.1f} {prefix}"
 721        return f"{base * bytes / unit:.1f} {prefix}"
 724def do_pprint(value: t.Any) -> str:
 725    """Pretty print a variable. Useful for debugging."""
 726    return pformat(value)
 729_uri_scheme_re = re.compile(r"^([\w.+-]{2,}:(/){0,2})$")
 733def do_urlize(
 734    eval_ctx: "EvalContext",
 735    value: str,
 736    trim_url_limit: t.Optional[int] = None,
 737    nofollow: bool = False,
 738    target: t.Optional[str] = None,
 739    rel: t.Optional[str] = None,
 740    extra_schemes: t.Optional[t.Iterable[str]] = None,
 741) -> str:
 742    """Convert URLs in text into clickable links.
 744    This may not recognize links in some situations. Usually, a more
 745    comprehensive formatter, such as a Markdown library, is a better
 746    choice.
 748    Works on ``http://``, ``https://``, ``www.``, ``mailto:``, and email
 749    addresses. Links with trailing punctuation (periods, commas, closing
 750    parentheses) and leading punctuation (opening parentheses) are
 751    recognized excluding the punctuation. Email addresses that include
 752    header fields are not recognized (for example,
 753    ``mailto:address@example.com?cc=copy@example.com``).
 755    :param value: Original text containing URLs to link.
 756    :param trim_url_limit: Shorten displayed URL values to this length.
 757    :param nofollow: Add the ``rel=nofollow`` attribute to links.
 758    :param target: Add the ``target`` attribute to links.
 759    :param rel: Add the ``rel`` attribute to links.
 760    :param extra_schemes: Recognize URLs that start with these schemes
 761        in addition to the default behavior. Defaults to
 762        ``env.policies["urlize.extra_schemes"]``, which defaults to no
 763        extra schemes.
 765    .. versionchanged:: 3.0
 766        The ``extra_schemes`` parameter was added.
 768    .. versionchanged:: 3.0
 769        Generate ``https://`` links for URLs without a scheme.
 771    .. versionchanged:: 3.0
 772        The parsing rules were updated. Recognize email addresses with
 773        or without the ``mailto:`` scheme. Validate IP addresses. Ignore
 774        parentheses and brackets in more cases.
 776    .. versionchanged:: 2.8
 777       The ``target`` parameter was added.
 778    """
 779    policies = eval_ctx.environment.policies
 780    rel_parts = set((rel or "").split())
 782    if nofollow:
 783        rel_parts.add("nofollow")
 785    rel_parts.update((policies["urlize.rel"] or "").split())
 786    rel = " ".join(sorted(rel_parts)) or None
 788    if target is None:
 789        target = policies["urlize.target"]
 791    if extra_schemes is None:
 792        extra_schemes = policies["urlize.extra_schemes"] or ()
 794    for scheme in extra_schemes:
 795        if _uri_scheme_re.fullmatch(scheme) is None:
 796            raise FilterArgumentError(f"{scheme!r} is not a valid URI scheme prefix.")
 798    rv = urlize(
 799        value,
 800        trim_url_limit=trim_url_limit,
 801        rel=rel,
 802        target=target,
 803        extra_schemes=extra_schemes,
 804    )
 806    if eval_ctx.autoescape:
 807        rv = Markup(rv)
 809    return rv
 812def do_indent(
 813    s: str, width: t.Union[int, str] = 4, first: bool = False, blank: bool = False
 814) -> str:
 815    """Return a copy of the string with each line indented by 4 spaces. The
 816    first line and blank lines are not indented by default.
 818    :param width: Number of spaces, or a string, to indent by.
 819    :param first: Don't skip indenting the first line.
 820    :param blank: Don't skip indenting empty lines.
 822    .. versionchanged:: 3.0
 823        ``width`` can be a string.
 825    .. versionchanged:: 2.10
 826        Blank lines are not indented by default.
 828        Rename the ``indentfirst`` argument to ``first``.
 829    """
 830    if isinstance(width, str):
 831        indention = width
 832    else:
 833        indention = " " * width
 835    newline = "\n"
 837    if isinstance(s, Markup):
 838        indention = Markup(indention)
 839        newline = Markup(newline)
 841    s += newline  # this quirk is necessary for splitlines method
 843    if blank:
 844        rv = (newline + indention).join(s.splitlines())
 845    else:
 846        lines = s.splitlines()
 847        rv = lines.pop(0)
 849        if lines:
 850            rv += newline + newline.join(
 851                indention + line if line else line for line in lines
 852            )
 854    if first:
 855        rv = indention + rv
 857    return rv
 861def do_truncate(
 862    env: "Environment",
 863    s: str,
 864    length: int = 255,
 865    killwords: bool = False,
 866    end: str = "...",
 867    leeway: t.Optional[int] = None,
 868) -> str:
 869    """Return a truncated copy of the string. The length is specified
 870    with the first parameter which defaults to ``255``. If the second
 871    parameter is ``true`` the filter will cut the text at length. Otherwise
 872    it will discard the last word. If the text was in fact
 873    truncated it will append an ellipsis sign (``"..."``). If you want a
 874    different ellipsis sign than ``"..."`` you can specify it using the
 875    third parameter. Strings that only exceed the length by the tolerance
 876    margin given in the fourth parameter will not be truncated.
 878    .. sourcecode:: jinja
 880        {{ "foo bar baz qux"|truncate(9) }}
 881            -> "foo..."
 882        {{ "foo bar baz qux"|truncate(9, True) }}
 883            -> "foo ba..."
 884        {{ "foo bar baz qux"|truncate(11) }}
 885            -> "foo bar baz qux"
 886        {{ "foo bar baz qux"|truncate(11, False, '...', 0) }}
 887            -> "foo bar..."
 889    The default leeway on newer Jinja versions is 5 and was 0 before but
 890    can be reconfigured globally.
 891    """
 892    if leeway is None:
 893        leeway = env.policies["truncate.leeway"]
 895    assert length >= len(end), f"expected length >= {len(end)}, got {length}"
 896    assert leeway >= 0, f"expected leeway >= 0, got {leeway}"
 898    if len(s) <= length + leeway:
 899        return s
 901    if killwords:
 902        return s[: length - len(end)] + end
 904    result = s[: length - len(end)].rsplit(" ", 1)[0]
 905    return result + end
 909def do_wordwrap(
 910    environment: "Environment",
 911    s: str,
 912    width: int = 79,
 913    break_long_words: bool = True,
 914    wrapstring: t.Optional[str] = None,
 915    break_on_hyphens: bool = True,
 916) -> str:
 917    """Wrap a string to the given width. Existing newlines are treated
 918    as paragraphs to be wrapped separately.
 920    :param s: Original text to wrap.
 921    :param width: Maximum length of wrapped lines.
 922    :param break_long_words: If a word is longer than ``width``, break
 923        it across lines.
 924    :param break_on_hyphens: If a word contains hyphens, it may be split
 925        across lines.
 926    :param wrapstring: String to join each wrapped line. Defaults to
 927        :attr:`Environment.newline_sequence`.
 929    .. versionchanged:: 2.11
 930        Existing newlines are treated as paragraphs wrapped separately.
 932    .. versionchanged:: 2.11
 933        Added the ``break_on_hyphens`` parameter.
 935    .. versionchanged:: 2.7
 936        Added the ``wrapstring`` parameter.
 937    """
 938    import textwrap
 940    if wrapstring is None:
 941        wrapstring = environment.newline_sequence
 943    # textwrap.wrap doesn't consider existing newlines when wrapping.
 944    # If the string has a newline before width, wrap will still insert
 945    # a newline at width, resulting in a short line. Instead, split and
 946    # wrap each paragraph individually.
 947    return wrapstring.join(
 948        [
 949            wrapstring.join(
 950                textwrap.wrap(
 951                    line,
 952                    width=width,
 953                    expand_tabs=False,
 954                    replace_whitespace=False,
 955                    break_long_words=break_long_words,
 956                    break_on_hyphens=break_on_hyphens,
 957                )
 958            )
 959            for line in s.splitlines()
 960        ]
 961    )
 964_word_re = re.compile(r"\w+")
 967def do_wordcount(s: str) -> int:
 968    """Count the words in that string."""
 969    return len(_word_re.findall(soft_str(s)))
 972def do_int(value: t.Any, default: int = 0, base: int = 10) -> int:
 973    """Convert the value into an integer. If the
 974    conversion doesn't work it will return ``0``. You can
 975    override this default using the first parameter. You
 976    can also override the default base (10) in the second
 977    parameter, which handles input with prefixes such as
 978    0b, 0o and 0x for bases 2, 8 and 16 respectively.
 979    The base is ignored for decimal numbers and non-string values.
 980    """
 981    try:
 982        if isinstance(value, str):
 983            return int(value, base)
 985        return int(value)
 986    except (TypeError, ValueError):
 987        # this quirk is necessary so that "42.23"|int gives 42.
 988        try:
 989            return int(float(value))
 990        except (TypeError, ValueError):
 991            return default
 994def do_float(value: t.Any, default: float = 0.0) -> float:
 995    """Convert the value into a floating point number. If the
 996    conversion doesn't work it will return ``0.0``. You can
 997    override this default using the first parameter.
 998    """
 999    try:
1000        return float(value)
1001    except (TypeError, ValueError):
1002        return default
1005def do_format(value: str, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> str:
1006    """Apply the given values to a `printf-style`_ format string, like
1007    ``string % values``.
1009    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1011        {{ "%s, %s!"|format(greeting, name) }}
1012        Hello, World!
1014    In most cases it should be more convenient and efficient to use the
1015    ``%`` operator or :meth:`str.format`.
1017    .. code-block:: text
1019        {{ "%s, %s!" % (greeting, name) }}
1020        {{ "{}, {}!".format(greeting, name) }}
1022    .. _printf-style: https://docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html
1023        #printf-style-string-formatting
1024    """
1025    if args and kwargs:
1026        raise FilterArgumentError(
1027            "can't handle positional and keyword arguments at the same time"
1028        )
1030    return soft_str(value) % (kwargs or args)
1033def do_trim(value: str, chars: t.Optional[str] = None) -> str:
1034    """Strip leading and trailing characters, by default whitespace."""
1035    return soft_str(value).strip(chars)
1038def do_striptags(value: "t.Union[str, HasHTML]") -> str:
1039    """Strip SGML/XML tags and replace adjacent whitespace by one space."""
1040    if hasattr(value, "__html__"):
1041        value = t.cast("HasHTML", value).__html__()
1043    return Markup(str(value)).striptags()
1046def sync_do_slice(
1047    value: "t.Collection[V]", slices: int, fill_with: "t.Optional[V]" = None
1048) -> "t.Iterator[t.List[V]]":
1049    """Slice an iterator and return a list of lists containing
1050    those items. Useful if you want to create a div containing
1051    three ul tags that represent columns:
1053    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
1055        <div class="columnwrapper">
1056          {%- for column in items|slice(3) %}
1057            <ul class="column-{{ loop.index }}">
1058            {%- for item in column %}
1059              <li>{{ item }}</li>
1060            {%- endfor %}
1061            </ul>
1062          {%- endfor %}
1063        </div>
1065    If you pass it a second argument it's used to fill missing
1066    values on the last iteration.
1067    """
1068    seq = list(value)
1069    length = len(seq)
1070    items_per_slice = length // slices
1071    slices_with_extra = length % slices
1072    offset = 0
1074    for slice_number in range(slices):
1075        start = offset + slice_number * items_per_slice
1077        if slice_number < slices_with_extra:
1078            offset += 1
1080        end = offset + (slice_number + 1) * items_per_slice
1081        tmp = seq[start:end]
1083        if fill_with is not None and slice_number >= slices_with_extra:
1084            tmp.append(fill_with)
1086        yield tmp
1089@async_variant(sync_do_slice)  # type: ignore
1090async def do_slice(
1091    value: "t.Union[t.AsyncIterable[V], t.Iterable[V]]",
1092    slices: int,
1093    fill_with: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
1094) -> "t.Iterator[t.List[V]]":
1095    return sync_do_slice(await auto_to_list(value), slices, fill_with)
1098def do_batch(
1099    value: "t.Iterable[V]", linecount: int, fill_with: "t.Optional[V]" = None
1100) -> "t.Iterator[t.List[V]]":
1101    """
1102    A filter that batches items. It works pretty much like `slice`
1103    just the other way round. It returns a list of lists with the
1104    given number of items. If you provide a second parameter this
1105    is used to fill up missing items. See this example:
1107    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
1109        <table>
1110        {%- for row in items|batch(3, '&nbsp;') %}
1111          <tr>
1112          {%- for column in row %}
1113            <td>{{ column }}</td>
1114          {%- endfor %}
1115          </tr>
1116        {%- endfor %}
1117        </table>
1118    """
1119    tmp: "t.List[V]" = []
1121    for item in value:
1122        if len(tmp) == linecount:
1123            yield tmp
1124            tmp = []
1126        tmp.append(item)
1128    if tmp:
1129        if fill_with is not None and len(tmp) < linecount:
1130            tmp += [fill_with] * (linecount - len(tmp))
1132        yield tmp
1135def do_round(
1136    value: float,
1137    precision: int = 0,
1138    method: 'te.Literal["common", "ceil", "floor"]' = "common",
1139) -> float:
1140    """Round the number to a given precision. The first
1141    parameter specifies the precision (default is ``0``), the
1142    second the rounding method:
1144    - ``'common'`` rounds either up or down
1145    - ``'ceil'`` always rounds up
1146    - ``'floor'`` always rounds down
1148    If you don't specify a method ``'common'`` is used.
1150    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1152        {{ 42.55|round }}
1153            -> 43.0
1154        {{ 42.55|round(1, 'floor') }}
1155            -> 42.5
1157    Note that even if rounded to 0 precision, a float is returned.  If
1158    you need a real integer, pipe it through `int`:
1160    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1162        {{ 42.55|round|int }}
1163            -> 43
1164    """
1165    if method not in {"common", "ceil", "floor"}:
1166        raise FilterArgumentError("method must be common, ceil or floor")
1168    if method == "common":
1169        return round(value, precision)
1171    func = getattr(math, method)
1172    return t.cast(float, func(value * (10**precision)) / (10**precision))
1175class _GroupTuple(t.NamedTuple):
1176    grouper: t.Any
1177    list: t.List[t.Any]
1179    # Use the regular tuple repr to hide this subclass if users print
1180    # out the value during debugging.
1181    def __repr__(self) -> str:
1182        return tuple.__repr__(self)
1184    def __str__(self) -> str:
1185        return tuple.__str__(self)
1189def sync_do_groupby(
1190    environment: "Environment",
1191    value: "t.Iterable[V]",
1192    attribute: t.Union[str, int],
1193    default: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
1194    case_sensitive: bool = False,
1195) -> "t.List[_GroupTuple]":
1196    """Group a sequence of objects by an attribute using Python's
1197    :func:`itertools.groupby`. The attribute can use dot notation for
1198    nested access, like ``"address.city"``. Unlike Python's ``groupby``,
1199    the values are sorted first so only one group is returned for each
1200    unique value.
1202    For example, a list of ``User`` objects with a ``city`` attribute
1203    can be rendered in groups. In this example, ``grouper`` refers to
1204    the ``city`` value of the group.
1206    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
1208        <ul>{% for city, items in users|groupby("city") %}
1209          <li>{{ city }}
1210            <ul>{% for user in items %}
1211              <li>{{ user.name }}
1212            {% endfor %}</ul>
1213          </li>
1214        {% endfor %}</ul>
1216    ``groupby`` yields namedtuples of ``(grouper, list)``, which
1217    can be used instead of the tuple unpacking above. ``grouper`` is the
1218    value of the attribute, and ``list`` is the items with that value.
1220    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
1222        <ul>{% for group in users|groupby("city") %}
1223          <li>{{ group.grouper }}: {{ group.list|join(", ") }}
1224        {% endfor %}</ul>
1226    You can specify a ``default`` value to use if an object in the list
1227    does not have the given attribute.
1229    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1231        <ul>{% for city, items in users|groupby("city", default="NY") %}
1232          <li>{{ city }}: {{ items|map(attribute="name")|join(", ") }}</li>
1233        {% endfor %}</ul>
1235    Like the :func:`~jinja-filters.sort` filter, sorting and grouping is
1236    case-insensitive by default. The ``key`` for each group will have
1237    the case of the first item in that group of values. For example, if
1238    a list of users has cities ``["CA", "NY", "ca"]``, the "CA" group
1239    will have two values. This can be disabled by passing
1240    ``case_sensitive=True``.
1242    .. versionchanged:: 3.1
1243        Added the ``case_sensitive`` parameter. Sorting and grouping is
1244        case-insensitive by default, matching other filters that do
1245        comparisons.
1247    .. versionchanged:: 3.0
1248        Added the ``default`` parameter.
1250    .. versionchanged:: 2.6
1251        The attribute supports dot notation for nested access.
1252    """
1253    expr = make_attrgetter(
1254        environment,
1255        attribute,
1256        postprocess=ignore_case if not case_sensitive else None,
1257        default=default,
1258    )
1259    out = [
1260        _GroupTuple(key, list(values))
1261        for key, values in groupby(sorted(value, key=expr), expr)
1262    ]
1264    if not case_sensitive:
1265        # Return the real key from the first value instead of the lowercase key.
1266        output_expr = make_attrgetter(environment, attribute, default=default)
1267        out = [_GroupTuple(output_expr(values[0]), values) for _, values in out]
1269    return out
1272@async_variant(sync_do_groupby)  # type: ignore
1273async def do_groupby(
1274    environment: "Environment",
1275    value: "t.Union[t.AsyncIterable[V], t.Iterable[V]]",
1276    attribute: t.Union[str, int],
1277    default: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
1278    case_sensitive: bool = False,
1279) -> "t.List[_GroupTuple]":
1280    expr = make_attrgetter(
1281        environment,
1282        attribute,
1283        postprocess=ignore_case if not case_sensitive else None,
1284        default=default,
1285    )
1286    out = [
1287        _GroupTuple(key, await auto_to_list(values))
1288        for key, values in groupby(sorted(await auto_to_list(value), key=expr), expr)
1289    ]
1291    if not case_sensitive:
1292        # Return the real key from the first value instead of the lowercase key.
1293        output_expr = make_attrgetter(environment, attribute, default=default)
1294        out = [_GroupTuple(output_expr(values[0]), values) for _, values in out]
1296    return out
1300def sync_do_sum(
1301    environment: "Environment",
1302    iterable: "t.Iterable[V]",
1303    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
1304    start: V = 0,  # type: ignore
1305) -> V:
1306    """Returns the sum of a sequence of numbers plus the value of parameter
1307    'start' (which defaults to 0).  When the sequence is empty it returns
1308    start.
1310    It is also possible to sum up only certain attributes:
1312    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1314        Total: {{ items|sum(attribute='price') }}
1316    .. versionchanged:: 2.6
1317       The ``attribute`` parameter was added to allow summing up over
1318       attributes.  Also the ``start`` parameter was moved on to the right.
1319    """
1320    if attribute is not None:
1321        iterable = map(make_attrgetter(environment, attribute), iterable)
1323    return sum(iterable, start)  # type: ignore[no-any-return, call-overload]
1326@async_variant(sync_do_sum)  # type: ignore
1327async def do_sum(
1328    environment: "Environment",
1329    iterable: "t.Union[t.AsyncIterable[V], t.Iterable[V]]",
1330    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
1331    start: V = 0,  # type: ignore
1332) -> V:
1333    rv = start
1335    if attribute is not None:
1336        func = make_attrgetter(environment, attribute)
1337    else:
1339        def func(x: V) -> V:
1340            return x
1342    async for item in auto_aiter(iterable):
1343        rv += func(item)
1345    return rv
1348def sync_do_list(value: "t.Iterable[V]") -> "t.List[V]":
1349    """Convert the value into a list.  If it was a string the returned list
1350    will be a list of characters.
1351    """
1352    return list(value)
1355@async_variant(sync_do_list)  # type: ignore
1356async def do_list(value: "t.Union[t.AsyncIterable[V], t.Iterable[V]]") -> "t.List[V]":
1357    return await auto_to_list(value)
1360def do_mark_safe(value: str) -> Markup:
1361    """Mark the value as safe which means that in an environment with automatic
1362    escaping enabled this variable will not be escaped.
1363    """
1364    return Markup(value)
1367def do_mark_unsafe(value: str) -> str:
1368    """Mark a value as unsafe.  This is the reverse operation for :func:`safe`."""
1369    return str(value)
1373def do_reverse(value: str) -> str: ...
1377def do_reverse(value: "t.Iterable[V]") -> "t.Iterable[V]": ...
1380def do_reverse(value: t.Union[str, t.Iterable[V]]) -> t.Union[str, t.Iterable[V]]:
1381    """Reverse the object or return an iterator that iterates over it the other
1382    way round.
1383    """
1384    if isinstance(value, str):
1385        return value[::-1]
1387    try:
1388        return reversed(value)  # type: ignore
1389    except TypeError:
1390        try:
1391            rv = list(value)
1392            rv.reverse()
1393            return rv
1394        except TypeError as e:
1395            raise FilterArgumentError("argument must be iterable") from e
1399def do_attr(
1400    environment: "Environment", obj: t.Any, name: str
1401) -> t.Union[Undefined, t.Any]:
1402    """Get an attribute of an object.  ``foo|attr("bar")`` works like
1403    ``foo.bar`` just that always an attribute is returned and items are not
1404    looked up.
1406    See :ref:`Notes on subscriptions <notes-on-subscriptions>` for more details.
1407    """
1408    try:
1409        name = str(name)
1410    except UnicodeError:
1411        pass
1412    else:
1413        try:
1414            value = getattr(obj, name)
1415        except AttributeError:
1416            pass
1417        else:
1418            if environment.sandboxed:
1419                environment = t.cast("SandboxedEnvironment", environment)
1421                if not environment.is_safe_attribute(obj, name, value):
1422                    return environment.unsafe_undefined(obj, name)
1424            return value
1426    return environment.undefined(obj=obj, name=name)
1430def sync_do_map(
1431    context: "Context",
1432    value: t.Iterable[t.Any],
1433    name: str,
1434    *args: t.Any,
1435    **kwargs: t.Any,
1436) -> t.Iterable[t.Any]: ...
1440def sync_do_map(
1441    context: "Context",
1442    value: t.Iterable[t.Any],
1443    *,
1444    attribute: str = ...,
1445    default: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
1446) -> t.Iterable[t.Any]: ...
1450def sync_do_map(
1451    context: "Context", value: t.Iterable[t.Any], *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
1452) -> t.Iterable[t.Any]:
1453    """Applies a filter on a sequence of objects or looks up an attribute.
1454    This is useful when dealing with lists of objects but you are really
1455    only interested in a certain value of it.
1457    The basic usage is mapping on an attribute.  Imagine you have a list
1458    of users but you are only interested in a list of usernames:
1460    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1462        Users on this page: {{ users|map(attribute='username')|join(', ') }}
1464    You can specify a ``default`` value to use if an object in the list
1465    does not have the given attribute.
1467    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1469        {{ users|map(attribute="username", default="Anonymous")|join(", ") }}
1471    Alternatively you can let it invoke a filter by passing the name of the
1472    filter and the arguments afterwards.  A good example would be applying a
1473    text conversion filter on a sequence:
1475    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1477        Users on this page: {{ titles|map('lower')|join(', ') }}
1479    Similar to a generator comprehension such as:
1481    .. code-block:: python
1483        (u.username for u in users)
1484        (getattr(u, "username", "Anonymous") for u in users)
1485        (do_lower(x) for x in titles)
1487    .. versionchanged:: 2.11.0
1488        Added the ``default`` parameter.
1490    .. versionadded:: 2.7
1491    """
1492    if value:
1493        func = prepare_map(context, args, kwargs)
1495        for item in value:
1496            yield func(item)
1500def do_map(
1501    context: "Context",
1502    value: t.Union[t.AsyncIterable[t.Any], t.Iterable[t.Any]],
1503    name: str,
1504    *args: t.Any,
1505    **kwargs: t.Any,
1506) -> t.Iterable[t.Any]: ...
1510def do_map(
1511    context: "Context",
1512    value: t.Union[t.AsyncIterable[t.Any], t.Iterable[t.Any]],
1513    *,
1514    attribute: str = ...,
1515    default: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
1516) -> t.Iterable[t.Any]: ...
1519@async_variant(sync_do_map)  # type: ignore
1520async def do_map(
1521    context: "Context",
1522    value: t.Union[t.AsyncIterable[t.Any], t.Iterable[t.Any]],
1523    *args: t.Any,
1524    **kwargs: t.Any,
1525) -> t.AsyncIterable[t.Any]:
1526    if value:
1527        func = prepare_map(context, args, kwargs)
1529        async for item in auto_aiter(value):
1530            yield await auto_await(func(item))
1534def sync_do_select(
1535    context: "Context", value: "t.Iterable[V]", *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
1536) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
1537    """Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to each object,
1538    and only selecting the objects with the test succeeding.
1540    If no test is specified, each object will be evaluated as a boolean.
1542    Example usage:
1544    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1546        {{ numbers|select("odd") }}
1547        {{ numbers|select("odd") }}
1548        {{ numbers|select("divisibleby", 3) }}
1549        {{ numbers|select("lessthan", 42) }}
1550        {{ strings|select("equalto", "mystring") }}
1552    Similar to a generator comprehension such as:
1554    .. code-block:: python
1556        (n for n in numbers if test_odd(n))
1557        (n for n in numbers if test_divisibleby(n, 3))
1559    .. versionadded:: 2.7
1560    """
1561    return select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: x, False)
1564@async_variant(sync_do_select)  # type: ignore
1565async def do_select(
1566    context: "Context",
1567    value: "t.Union[t.AsyncIterable[V], t.Iterable[V]]",
1568    *args: t.Any,
1569    **kwargs: t.Any,
1570) -> "t.AsyncIterator[V]":
1571    return async_select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: x, False)
1575def sync_do_reject(
1576    context: "Context", value: "t.Iterable[V]", *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
1577) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
1578    """Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to each object,
1579    and rejecting the objects with the test succeeding.
1581    If no test is specified, each object will be evaluated as a boolean.
1583    Example usage:
1585    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1587        {{ numbers|reject("odd") }}
1589    Similar to a generator comprehension such as:
1591    .. code-block:: python
1593        (n for n in numbers if not test_odd(n))
1595    .. versionadded:: 2.7
1596    """
1597    return select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: not x, False)
1600@async_variant(sync_do_reject)  # type: ignore
1601async def do_reject(
1602    context: "Context",
1603    value: "t.Union[t.AsyncIterable[V], t.Iterable[V]]",
1604    *args: t.Any,
1605    **kwargs: t.Any,
1606) -> "t.AsyncIterator[V]":
1607    return async_select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: not x, False)
1611def sync_do_selectattr(
1612    context: "Context", value: "t.Iterable[V]", *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
1613) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
1614    """Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to the specified
1615    attribute of each object, and only selecting the objects with the
1616    test succeeding.
1618    If no test is specified, the attribute's value will be evaluated as
1619    a boolean.
1621    Example usage:
1623    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1625        {{ users|selectattr("is_active") }}
1626        {{ users|selectattr("email", "none") }}
1628    Similar to a generator comprehension such as:
1630    .. code-block:: python
1632        (u for user in users if user.is_active)
1633        (u for user in users if test_none(user.email))
1635    .. versionadded:: 2.7
1636    """
1637    return select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: x, True)
1640@async_variant(sync_do_selectattr)  # type: ignore
1641async def do_selectattr(
1642    context: "Context",
1643    value: "t.Union[t.AsyncIterable[V], t.Iterable[V]]",
1644    *args: t.Any,
1645    **kwargs: t.Any,
1646) -> "t.AsyncIterator[V]":
1647    return async_select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: x, True)
1651def sync_do_rejectattr(
1652    context: "Context", value: "t.Iterable[V]", *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
1653) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
1654    """Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to the specified
1655    attribute of each object, and rejecting the objects with the test
1656    succeeding.
1658    If no test is specified, the attribute's value will be evaluated as
1659    a boolean.
1661    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1663        {{ users|rejectattr("is_active") }}
1664        {{ users|rejectattr("email", "none") }}
1666    Similar to a generator comprehension such as:
1668    .. code-block:: python
1670        (u for user in users if not user.is_active)
1671        (u for user in users if not test_none(user.email))
1673    .. versionadded:: 2.7
1674    """
1675    return select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: not x, True)
1678@async_variant(sync_do_rejectattr)  # type: ignore
1679async def do_rejectattr(
1680    context: "Context",
1681    value: "t.Union[t.AsyncIterable[V], t.Iterable[V]]",
1682    *args: t.Any,
1683    **kwargs: t.Any,
1684) -> "t.AsyncIterator[V]":
1685    return async_select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: not x, True)
1689def do_tojson(
1690    eval_ctx: "EvalContext", value: t.Any, indent: t.Optional[int] = None
1691) -> Markup:
1692    """Serialize an object to a string of JSON, and mark it safe to
1693    render in HTML. This filter is only for use in HTML documents.
1695    The returned string is safe to render in HTML documents and
1696    ``<script>`` tags. The exception is in HTML attributes that are
1697    double quoted; either use single quotes or the ``|forceescape``
1698    filter.
1700    :param value: The object to serialize to JSON.
1701    :param indent: The ``indent`` parameter passed to ``dumps``, for
1702        pretty-printing the value.
1704    .. versionadded:: 2.9
1705    """
1706    policies = eval_ctx.environment.policies
1707    dumps = policies["json.dumps_function"]
1708    kwargs = policies["json.dumps_kwargs"]
1710    if indent is not None:
1711        kwargs = kwargs.copy()
1712        kwargs["indent"] = indent
1714    return htmlsafe_json_dumps(value, dumps=dumps, **kwargs)
1717def prepare_map(
1718    context: "Context", args: t.Tuple[t.Any, ...], kwargs: t.Dict[str, t.Any]
1719) -> t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any]:
1720    if not args and "attribute" in kwargs:
1721        attribute = kwargs.pop("attribute")
1722        default = kwargs.pop("default", None)
1724        if kwargs:
1725            raise FilterArgumentError(
1726                f"Unexpected keyword argument {next(iter(kwargs))!r}"
1727            )
1729        func = make_attrgetter(context.environment, attribute, default=default)
1730    else:
1731        try:
1732            name = args[0]
1733            args = args[1:]
1734        except LookupError:
1735            raise FilterArgumentError("map requires a filter argument") from None
1737        def func(item: t.Any) -> t.Any:
1738            return context.environment.call_filter(
1739                name, item, args, kwargs, context=context
1740            )
1742    return func
1745def prepare_select_or_reject(
1746    context: "Context",
1747    args: t.Tuple[t.Any, ...],
1748    kwargs: t.Dict[str, t.Any],
1749    modfunc: t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any],
1750    lookup_attr: bool,
1751) -> t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any]:
1752    if lookup_attr:
1753        try:
1754            attr = args[0]
1755        except LookupError:
1756            raise FilterArgumentError("Missing parameter for attribute name") from None
1758        transfunc = make_attrgetter(context.environment, attr)
1759        off = 1
1760    else:
1761        off = 0
1763        def transfunc(x: V) -> V:
1764            return x
1766    try:
1767        name = args[off]
1768        args = args[1 + off :]
1770        def func(item: t.Any) -> t.Any:
1771            return context.environment.call_test(name, item, args, kwargs)
1773    except LookupError:
1774        func = bool  # type: ignore
1776    return lambda item: modfunc(func(transfunc(item)))
1779def select_or_reject(
1780    context: "Context",
1781    value: "t.Iterable[V]",
1782    args: t.Tuple[t.Any, ...],
1783    kwargs: t.Dict[str, t.Any],
1784    modfunc: t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any],
1785    lookup_attr: bool,
1786) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
1787    if value:
1788        func = prepare_select_or_reject(context, args, kwargs, modfunc, lookup_attr)
1790        for item in value:
1791            if func(item):
1792                yield item
1795async def async_select_or_reject(
1796    context: "Context",
1797    value: "t.Union[t.AsyncIterable[V], t.Iterable[V]]",
1798    args: t.Tuple[t.Any, ...],
1799    kwargs: t.Dict[str, t.Any],
1800    modfunc: t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any],
1801    lookup_attr: bool,
1802) -> "t.AsyncIterator[V]":
1803    if value:
1804        func = prepare_select_or_reject(context, args, kwargs, modfunc, lookup_attr)
1806        async for item in auto_aiter(value):
1807            if func(item):
1808                yield item
1811FILTERS = {
1812    "abs": abs,
1813    "attr": do_attr,
1814    "batch": do_batch,
1815    "capitalize": do_capitalize,
1816    "center": do_center,
1817    "count": len,
1818    "d": do_default,
1819    "default": do_default,
1820    "dictsort": do_dictsort,
1821    "e": escape,
1822    "escape": escape,
1823    "filesizeformat": do_filesizeformat,
1824    "first": do_first,
1825    "float": do_float,
1826    "forceescape": do_forceescape,
1827    "format": do_format,
1828    "groupby": do_groupby,
1829    "indent": do_indent,
1830    "int": do_int,
1831    "join": do_join,
1832    "last": do_last,
1833    "length": len,
1834    "list": do_list,
1835    "lower": do_lower,
1836    "items": do_items,
1837    "map": do_map,
1838    "min": do_min,
1839    "max": do_max,
1840    "pprint": do_pprint,
1841    "random": do_random,
1842    "reject": do_reject,
1843    "rejectattr": do_rejectattr,
1844    "replace": do_replace,
1845    "reverse": do_reverse,
1846    "round": do_round,
1847    "safe": do_mark_safe,
1848    "select": do_select,
1849    "selectattr": do_selectattr,
1850    "slice": do_slice,
1851    "sort": do_sort,
1852    "string": soft_str,
1853    "striptags": do_striptags,
1854    "sum": do_sum,
1855    "title": do_title,
1856    "trim": do_trim,
1857    "truncate": do_truncate,
1858    "unique": do_unique,
1859    "upper": do_upper,
1860    "urlencode": do_urlencode,
1861    "urlize": do_urlize,
1862    "wordcount": do_wordcount,
1863    "wordwrap": do_wordwrap,
1864    "xmlattr": do_xmlattr,
1865    "tojson": do_tojson,
def ignore_case(value: ~V) -> ~V:
49def ignore_case(value: V) -> V:
50    """For use as a postprocessor for :func:`make_attrgetter`. Converts strings
51    to lowercase and returns other types as-is."""
52    if isinstance(value, str):
53        return t.cast(V, value.lower())
55    return value

For use as a postprocessor for make_attrgetter(). Converts strings to lowercase and returns other types as-is.

def make_attrgetter( environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, attribute: Union[str, int, NoneType], postprocess: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Callable[[Any], Any]:
58def make_attrgetter(
59    environment: "Environment",
60    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]],
61    postprocess: t.Optional[t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any]] = None,
62    default: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
63) -> t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any]:
64    """Returns a callable that looks up the given attribute from a
65    passed object with the rules of the environment.  Dots are allowed
66    to access attributes of attributes.  Integer parts in paths are
67    looked up as integers.
68    """
69    parts = _prepare_attribute_parts(attribute)
71    def attrgetter(item: t.Any) -> t.Any:
72        for part in parts:
73            item = environment.getitem(item, part)
75            if default is not None and isinstance(item, Undefined):
76                item = default
78        if postprocess is not None:
79            item = postprocess(item)
81        return item
83    return attrgetter

Returns a callable that looks up the given attribute from a passed object with the rules of the environment. Dots are allowed to access attributes of attributes. Integer parts in paths are looked up as integers.

def make_multi_attrgetter( environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, attribute: Union[str, int, NoneType], postprocess: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None) -> Callable[[Any], List[Any]]:
 86def make_multi_attrgetter(
 87    environment: "Environment",
 88    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]],
 89    postprocess: t.Optional[t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any]] = None,
 90) -> t.Callable[[t.Any], t.List[t.Any]]:
 91    """Returns a callable that looks up the given comma separated
 92    attributes from a passed object with the rules of the environment.
 93    Dots are allowed to access attributes of each attribute.  Integer
 94    parts in paths are looked up as integers.
 96    The value returned by the returned callable is a list of extracted
 97    attribute values.
 99    Examples of attribute: "attr1,attr2", "attr1.inner1.0,attr2.inner2.0", etc.
100    """
101    if isinstance(attribute, str):
102        split: t.Sequence[t.Union[str, int, None]] = attribute.split(",")
103    else:
104        split = [attribute]
106    parts = [_prepare_attribute_parts(item) for item in split]
108    def attrgetter(item: t.Any) -> t.List[t.Any]:
109        items = [None] * len(parts)
111        for i, attribute_part in enumerate(parts):
112            item_i = item
114            for part in attribute_part:
115                item_i = environment.getitem(item_i, part)
117            if postprocess is not None:
118                item_i = postprocess(item_i)
120            items[i] = item_i
122        return items
124    return attrgetter

Returns a callable that looks up the given comma separated attributes from a passed object with the rules of the environment. Dots are allowed to access attributes of each attribute. Integer parts in paths are looked up as integers.

The value returned by the returned callable is a list of extracted attribute values.

Examples of attribute: "attr1,attr2", "attr1.inner1.0,attr2.inner2.0", etc.

def do_forceescape(value: Union[str, jinja2.filters.HasHTML]) -> markupsafe.Markup:
139def do_forceescape(value: "t.Union[str, HasHTML]") -> Markup:
140    """Enforce HTML escaping.  This will probably double escape variables."""
141    if hasattr(value, "__html__"):
142        value = t.cast("HasHTML", value).__html__()
144    return escape(str(value))

Enforce HTML escaping. This will probably double escape variables.

def do_urlencode(value: Union[str, Mapping[str, Any], Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]]) -> str:
147def do_urlencode(
148    value: t.Union[str, t.Mapping[str, t.Any], t.Iterable[t.Tuple[str, t.Any]]],
149) -> str:
150    """Quote data for use in a URL path or query using UTF-8.
152    Basic wrapper around :func:`urllib.parse.quote` when given a
153    string, or :func:`urllib.parse.urlencode` for a dict or iterable.
155    :param value: Data to quote. A string will be quoted directly. A
156        dict or iterable of ``(key, value)`` pairs will be joined as a
157        query string.
159    When given a string, "/" is not quoted. HTTP servers treat "/" and
160    "%2F" equivalently in paths. If you need quoted slashes, use the
161    ``|replace("/", "%2F")`` filter.
163    .. versionadded:: 2.7
164    """
165    if isinstance(value, str) or not isinstance(value, abc.Iterable):
166        return url_quote(value)
168    if isinstance(value, dict):
169        items: t.Iterable[t.Tuple[str, t.Any]] = value.items()
170    else:
171        items = value  # type: ignore
173    return "&".join(
174        f"{url_quote(k, for_qs=True)}={url_quote(v, for_qs=True)}" for k, v in items
175    )

Quote data for use in a URL path or query using UTF-8.

Basic wrapper around urllib.parse.quote() when given a string, or urllib.parse.urlencode() for a dict or iterable.

  • value: Data to quote. A string will be quoted directly. A dict or iterable of (key, value) pairs will be joined as a query string.

When given a string, "/" is not quoted. HTTP servers treat "/" and "%2F" equivalently in paths. If you need quoted slashes, use the |replace("/", "%2F") filter.

New in version 2.7.

def do_replace( eval_ctx: jinja2.nodes.EvalContext, s: str, old: str, new: str, count: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
179def do_replace(
180    eval_ctx: "EvalContext", s: str, old: str, new: str, count: t.Optional[int] = None
181) -> str:
182    """Return a copy of the value with all occurrences of a substring
183    replaced with a new one. The first argument is the substring
184    that should be replaced, the second is the replacement string.
185    If the optional third argument ``count`` is given, only the first
186    ``count`` occurrences are replaced:
188    .. sourcecode:: jinja
190        {{ "Hello World"|replace("Hello", "Goodbye") }}
191            -> Goodbye World
193        {{ "aaaaargh"|replace("a", "d'oh, ", 2) }}
194            -> d'oh, d'oh, aaargh
195    """
196    if count is None:
197        count = -1
199    if not eval_ctx.autoescape:
200        return str(s).replace(str(old), str(new), count)
202    if (
203        hasattr(old, "__html__")
204        or hasattr(new, "__html__")
205        and not hasattr(s, "__html__")
206    ):
207        s = escape(s)
208    else:
209        s = soft_str(s)
211    return s.replace(soft_str(old), soft_str(new), count)

Return a copy of the value with all occurrences of a substring replaced with a new one. The first argument is the substring that should be replaced, the second is the replacement string. If the optional third argument count is given, only the first count occurrences are replaced:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ "Hello World"|replace("Hello", "Goodbye") }}
    -> Goodbye World

{{ "aaaaargh"|replace("a", "d'oh, ", 2) }}
    -> d'oh, d'oh, aaargh
def do_upper(s: str) -> str:
214def do_upper(s: str) -> str:
215    """Convert a value to uppercase."""
216    return soft_str(s).upper()

Convert a value to uppercase.

def do_lower(s: str) -> str:
219def do_lower(s: str) -> str:
220    """Convert a value to lowercase."""
221    return soft_str(s).lower()

Convert a value to lowercase.

def do_items( value: Union[Mapping[~K, ~V], jinja2.runtime.Undefined]) -> Iterator[Tuple[~K, ~V]]:
224def do_items(value: t.Union[t.Mapping[K, V], Undefined]) -> t.Iterator[t.Tuple[K, V]]:
225    """Return an iterator over the ``(key, value)`` items of a mapping.
227    ``x|items`` is the same as ``x.items()``, except if ``x`` is
228    undefined an empty iterator is returned.
230    This filter is useful if you expect the template to be rendered with
231    an implementation of Jinja in another programming language that does
232    not have a ``.items()`` method on its mapping type.
234    .. code-block:: html+jinja
236        <dl>
237        {% for key, value in my_dict|items %}
238            <dt>{{ key }}
239            <dd>{{ value }}
240        {% endfor %}
241        </dl>
243    .. versionadded:: 3.1
244    """
245    if isinstance(value, Undefined):
246        return
248    if not isinstance(value, abc.Mapping):
249        raise TypeError("Can only get item pairs from a mapping.")
251    yield from value.items()

Return an iterator over the (key, value) items of a mapping.

x|items is the same as x.items(), except if x is undefined an empty iterator is returned.

This filter is useful if you expect the template to be rendered with an implementation of Jinja in another programming language that does not have a .items() method on its mapping type.

{% for key, value in my_dict|items %}
    <dt>{{ key }}
    <dd>{{ value }}
{% endfor %}

New in version 3.1.

def do_xmlattr( eval_ctx: jinja2.nodes.EvalContext, d: Mapping[str, Any], autospace: bool = True) -> str:
260def do_xmlattr(
261    eval_ctx: "EvalContext", d: t.Mapping[str, t.Any], autospace: bool = True
262) -> str:
263    """Create an SGML/XML attribute string based on the items in a dict.
265    **Values** that are neither ``none`` nor ``undefined`` are automatically
266    escaped, safely allowing untrusted user input.
268    User input should not be used as **keys** to this filter. If any key
269    contains a space, ``/`` solidus, ``>`` greater-than sign, or ``=`` equals
270    sign, this fails with a ``ValueError``. Regardless of this, user input
271    should never be used as keys to this filter, or must be separately validated
272    first.
274    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
276        <ul{{ {'class': 'my_list', 'missing': none,
277                'id': 'list-%d'|format(variable)}|xmlattr }}>
278        ...
279        </ul>
281    Results in something like this:
283    .. sourcecode:: html
285        <ul class="my_list" id="list-42">
286        ...
287        </ul>
289    As you can see it automatically prepends a space in front of the item
290    if the filter returned something unless the second parameter is false.
292    .. versionchanged:: 3.1.4
293        Keys with ``/`` solidus, ``>`` greater-than sign, or ``=`` equals sign
294        are not allowed.
296    .. versionchanged:: 3.1.3
297        Keys with spaces are not allowed.
298    """
299    items = []
301    for key, value in d.items():
302        if value is None or isinstance(value, Undefined):
303            continue
305        if _attr_key_re.search(key) is not None:
306            raise ValueError(f"Invalid character in attribute name: {key!r}")
308        items.append(f'{escape(key)}="{escape(value)}"')
310    rv = " ".join(items)
312    if autospace and rv:
313        rv = " " + rv
315    if eval_ctx.autoescape:
316        rv = Markup(rv)
318    return rv

Create an SGML/XML attribute string based on the items in a dict.

Values that are neither none nor undefined are automatically escaped, safely allowing untrusted user input.

User input should not be used as keys to this filter. If any key contains a space, / solidus, > greater-than sign, or = equals sign, this fails with a ValueError. Regardless of this, user input should never be used as keys to this filter, or must be separately validated first.

.. sourcecode:: html+jinja

<ul{{ {'class': 'my_list', 'missing': none,
        'id': 'list-%d'|format(variable)}|xmlattr }}>

Results in something like this:

.. sourcecode:: html

<ul class="my_list" id="list-42">

As you can see it automatically prepends a space in front of the item if the filter returned something unless the second parameter is false.

Changed in version 3.1.4: Keys with / solidus, > greater-than sign, or = equals sign are not allowed.

Changed in version 3.1.3: Keys with spaces are not allowed.

def do_capitalize(s: str) -> str:
321def do_capitalize(s: str) -> str:
322    """Capitalize a value. The first character will be uppercase, all others
323    lowercase.
324    """
325    return soft_str(s).capitalize()

Capitalize a value. The first character will be uppercase, all others lowercase.

def do_title(s: str) -> str:
331def do_title(s: str) -> str:
332    """Return a titlecased version of the value. I.e. words will start with
333    uppercase letters, all remaining characters are lowercase.
334    """
335    return "".join(
336        [
337            item[0].upper() + item[1:].lower()
338            for item in _word_beginning_split_re.split(soft_str(s))
339            if item
340        ]
341    )

Return a titlecased version of the value. I.e. words will start with uppercase letters, all remaining characters are lowercase.

def do_dictsort( value: Mapping[~K, ~V], case_sensitive: bool = False, by: Literal['key', 'value'] = 'key', reverse: bool = False) -> List[Tuple[~K, ~V]]:
344def do_dictsort(
345    value: t.Mapping[K, V],
346    case_sensitive: bool = False,
347    by: 'te.Literal["key", "value"]' = "key",
348    reverse: bool = False,
349) -> t.List[t.Tuple[K, V]]:
350    """Sort a dict and yield (key, value) pairs. Python dicts may not
351    be in the order you want to display them in, so sort them first.
353    .. sourcecode:: jinja
355        {% for key, value in mydict|dictsort %}
356            sort the dict by key, case insensitive
358        {% for key, value in mydict|dictsort(reverse=true) %}
359            sort the dict by key, case insensitive, reverse order
361        {% for key, value in mydict|dictsort(true) %}
362            sort the dict by key, case sensitive
364        {% for key, value in mydict|dictsort(false, 'value') %}
365            sort the dict by value, case insensitive
366    """
367    if by == "key":
368        pos = 0
369    elif by == "value":
370        pos = 1
371    else:
372        raise FilterArgumentError('You can only sort by either "key" or "value"')
374    def sort_func(item: t.Tuple[t.Any, t.Any]) -> t.Any:
375        value = item[pos]
377        if not case_sensitive:
378            value = ignore_case(value)
380        return value
382    return sorted(value.items(), key=sort_func, reverse=reverse)

Sort a dict and yield (key, value) pairs. Python dicts may not be in the order you want to display them in, so sort them first.

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{% for key, value in mydict|dictsort %}
    sort the dict by key, case insensitive

{% for key, value in mydict|dictsort(reverse=true) %}
    sort the dict by key, case insensitive, reverse order

{% for key, value in mydict|dictsort(true) %}
    sort the dict by key, case sensitive

{% for key, value in mydict|dictsort(false, 'value') %}
    sort the dict by value, case insensitive
def do_sort( environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, value: Iterable[~V], reverse: bool = False, case_sensitive: bool = False, attribute: Union[str, int, NoneType] = None) -> List[~V]:
386def do_sort(
387    environment: "Environment",
388    value: "t.Iterable[V]",
389    reverse: bool = False,
390    case_sensitive: bool = False,
391    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
392) -> "t.List[V]":
393    """Sort an iterable using Python's :func:`sorted`.
395    .. sourcecode:: jinja
397        {% for city in cities|sort %}
398            ...
399        {% endfor %}
401    :param reverse: Sort descending instead of ascending.
402    :param case_sensitive: When sorting strings, sort upper and lower
403        case separately.
404    :param attribute: When sorting objects or dicts, an attribute or
405        key to sort by. Can use dot notation like ``"address.city"``.
406        Can be a list of attributes like ``"age,name"``.
408    The sort is stable, it does not change the relative order of
409    elements that compare equal. This makes it is possible to chain
410    sorts on different attributes and ordering.
412    .. sourcecode:: jinja
414        {% for user in users|sort(attribute="name")
415            |sort(reverse=true, attribute="age") %}
416            ...
417        {% endfor %}
419    As a shortcut to chaining when the direction is the same for all
420    attributes, pass a comma separate list of attributes.
422    .. sourcecode:: jinja
424        {% for user in users|sort(attribute="age,name") %}
425            ...
426        {% endfor %}
428    .. versionchanged:: 2.11.0
429        The ``attribute`` parameter can be a comma separated list of
430        attributes, e.g. ``"age,name"``.
432    .. versionchanged:: 2.6
433       The ``attribute`` parameter was added.
434    """
435    key_func = make_multi_attrgetter(
436        environment, attribute, postprocess=ignore_case if not case_sensitive else None
437    )
438    return sorted(value, key=key_func, reverse=reverse)

Sort an iterable using Python's sorted().

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{% for city in cities|sort %}
{% endfor %}
  • reverse: Sort descending instead of ascending.
  • case_sensitive: When sorting strings, sort upper and lower case separately.
  • attribute: When sorting objects or dicts, an attribute or key to sort by. Can use dot notation like "address.city". Can be a list of attributes like "age,name".

The sort is stable, it does not change the relative order of elements that compare equal. This makes it is possible to chain sorts on different attributes and ordering.

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{% for user in users|sort(attribute="name")
    |sort(reverse=true, attribute="age") %}
{% endfor %}

As a shortcut to chaining when the direction is the same for all attributes, pass a comma separate list of attributes.

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{% for user in users|sort(attribute="age,name") %}
{% endfor %}

Changed in version 2.11.0: The attribute parameter can be a comma separated list of attributes, e.g. "age,name".

Changed in version 2.6: The attribute parameter was added.

def do_unique( environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, value: Iterable[~V], case_sensitive: bool = False, attribute: Union[str, int, NoneType] = None) -> Iterator[~V]:
442def do_unique(
443    environment: "Environment",
444    value: "t.Iterable[V]",
445    case_sensitive: bool = False,
446    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
447) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
448    """Returns a list of unique items from the given iterable.
450    .. sourcecode:: jinja
452        {{ ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar', 'FooBar']|unique|list }}
453            -> ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar']
455    The unique items are yielded in the same order as their first occurrence in
456    the iterable passed to the filter.
458    :param case_sensitive: Treat upper and lower case strings as distinct.
459    :param attribute: Filter objects with unique values for this attribute.
460    """
461    getter = make_attrgetter(
462        environment, attribute, postprocess=ignore_case if not case_sensitive else None
463    )
464    seen = set()
466    for item in value:
467        key = getter(item)
469        if key not in seen:
470            seen.add(key)
471            yield item

Returns a list of unique items from the given iterable.

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar', 'FooBar']|unique|list }}
    -> ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar']

The unique items are yielded in the same order as their first occurrence in the iterable passed to the filter.

  • case_sensitive: Treat upper and lower case strings as distinct.
  • attribute: Filter objects with unique values for this attribute.
def do_min( environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, value: Iterable[~V], case_sensitive: bool = False, attribute: Union[str, int, NoneType] = None) -> Union[~V, jinja2.runtime.Undefined]:
495def do_min(
496    environment: "Environment",
497    value: "t.Iterable[V]",
498    case_sensitive: bool = False,
499    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
500) -> "t.Union[V, Undefined]":
501    """Return the smallest item from the sequence.
503    .. sourcecode:: jinja
505        {{ [1, 2, 3]|min }}
506            -> 1
508    :param case_sensitive: Treat upper and lower case strings as distinct.
509    :param attribute: Get the object with the min value of this attribute.
510    """
511    return _min_or_max(environment, value, min, case_sensitive, attribute)

Return the smallest item from the sequence.

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ [1, 2, 3]|min }}
    -> 1
  • case_sensitive: Treat upper and lower case strings as distinct.
  • attribute: Get the object with the min value of this attribute.
def do_max( environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, value: Iterable[~V], case_sensitive: bool = False, attribute: Union[str, int, NoneType] = None) -> Union[~V, jinja2.runtime.Undefined]:
515def do_max(
516    environment: "Environment",
517    value: "t.Iterable[V]",
518    case_sensitive: bool = False,
519    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
520) -> "t.Union[V, Undefined]":
521    """Return the largest item from the sequence.
523    .. sourcecode:: jinja
525        {{ [1, 2, 3]|max }}
526            -> 3
528    :param case_sensitive: Treat upper and lower case strings as distinct.
529    :param attribute: Get the object with the max value of this attribute.
530    """
531    return _min_or_max(environment, value, max, case_sensitive, attribute)

Return the largest item from the sequence.

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ [1, 2, 3]|max }}
    -> 3
  • case_sensitive: Treat upper and lower case strings as distinct.
  • attribute: Get the object with the max value of this attribute.
def do_default(value: ~V, default_value: ~V = '', boolean: bool = False) -> ~V:
534def do_default(
535    value: V,
536    default_value: V = "",  # type: ignore
537    boolean: bool = False,
538) -> V:
539    """If the value is undefined it will return the passed default value,
540    otherwise the value of the variable:
542    .. sourcecode:: jinja
544        {{ my_variable|default('my_variable is not defined') }}
546    This will output the value of ``my_variable`` if the variable was
547    defined, otherwise ``'my_variable is not defined'``. If you want
548    to use default with variables that evaluate to false you have to
549    set the second parameter to `true`:
551    .. sourcecode:: jinja
553        {{ ''|default('the string was empty', true) }}
555    .. versionchanged:: 2.11
556       It's now possible to configure the :class:`~jinja2.Environment` with
557       :class:`~jinja2.ChainableUndefined` to make the `default` filter work
558       on nested elements and attributes that may contain undefined values
559       in the chain without getting an :exc:`~jinja2.UndefinedError`.
560    """
561    if isinstance(value, Undefined) or (boolean and not value):
562        return default_value
564    return value

If the value is undefined it will return the passed default value, otherwise the value of the variable:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ my_variable|default('my_variable is not defined') }}

This will output the value of my_variable if the variable was defined, otherwise 'my_variable is not defined'. If you want to use default with variables that evaluate to false you have to set the second parameter to true:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ ''|default('the string was empty', true) }}

Changed in version 2.11: It's now possible to configure the ~jinja2.Environment with ~jinja2.ChainableUndefined to make the default filter work on nested elements and attributes that may contain undefined values in the chain without getting an ~jinja2.UndefinedError.

def sync_do_join( eval_ctx: jinja2.nodes.EvalContext, value: Iterable[Any], d: str = '', attribute: Union[str, int, NoneType] = None) -> str:
568def sync_do_join(
569    eval_ctx: "EvalContext",
570    value: t.Iterable[t.Any],
571    d: str = "",
572    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
573) -> str:
574    """Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the
575    sequence. The separator between elements is an empty string per
576    default, you can define it with the optional parameter:
578    .. sourcecode:: jinja
580        {{ [1, 2, 3]|join('|') }}
581            -> 1|2|3
583        {{ [1, 2, 3]|join }}
584            -> 123
586    It is also possible to join certain attributes of an object:
588    .. sourcecode:: jinja
590        {{ users|join(', ', attribute='username') }}
592    .. versionadded:: 2.6
593       The `attribute` parameter was added.
594    """
595    if attribute is not None:
596        value = map(make_attrgetter(eval_ctx.environment, attribute), value)
598    # no automatic escaping?  joining is a lot easier then
599    if not eval_ctx.autoescape:
600        return str(d).join(map(str, value))
602    # if the delimiter doesn't have an html representation we check
603    # if any of the items has.  If yes we do a coercion to Markup
604    if not hasattr(d, "__html__"):
605        value = list(value)
606        do_escape = False
608        for idx, item in enumerate(value):
609            if hasattr(item, "__html__"):
610                do_escape = True
611            else:
612                value[idx] = str(item)
614        if do_escape:
615            d = escape(d)
616        else:
617            d = str(d)
619        return d.join(value)
621    # no html involved, to normal joining
622    return soft_str(d).join(map(soft_str, value))

Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the sequence. The separator between elements is an empty string per default, you can define it with the optional parameter:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ [1, 2, 3]|join('|') }}
    -> 1|2|3

{{ [1, 2, 3]|join }}
    -> 123

It is also possible to join certain attributes of an object:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ users|join(', ', attribute='username') }}

New in version 2.6: The attribute parameter was added.

def do_join( eval_ctx: jinja2.nodes.EvalContext, value: Iterable[Any], d: str = '', attribute: Union[str, int, NoneType] = None) -> str:
568def sync_do_join(
569    eval_ctx: "EvalContext",
570    value: t.Iterable[t.Any],
571    d: str = "",
572    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
573) -> str:
574    """Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the
575    sequence. The separator between elements is an empty string per
576    default, you can define it with the optional parameter:
578    .. sourcecode:: jinja
580        {{ [1, 2, 3]|join('|') }}
581            -> 1|2|3
583        {{ [1, 2, 3]|join }}
584            -> 123
586    It is also possible to join certain attributes of an object:
588    .. sourcecode:: jinja
590        {{ users|join(', ', attribute='username') }}
592    .. versionadded:: 2.6
593       The `attribute` parameter was added.
594    """
595    if attribute is not None:
596        value = map(make_attrgetter(eval_ctx.environment, attribute), value)
598    # no automatic escaping?  joining is a lot easier then
599    if not eval_ctx.autoescape:
600        return str(d).join(map(str, value))
602    # if the delimiter doesn't have an html representation we check
603    # if any of the items has.  If yes we do a coercion to Markup
604    if not hasattr(d, "__html__"):
605        value = list(value)
606        do_escape = False
608        for idx, item in enumerate(value):
609            if hasattr(item, "__html__"):
610                do_escape = True
611            else:
612                value[idx] = str(item)
614        if do_escape:
615            d = escape(d)
616        else:
617            d = str(d)
619        return d.join(value)
621    # no html involved, to normal joining
622    return soft_str(d).join(map(soft_str, value))

Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the sequence. The separator between elements is an empty string per default, you can define it with the optional parameter:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ [1, 2, 3]|join('|') }}
    -> 1|2|3

{{ [1, 2, 3]|join }}
    -> 123

It is also possible to join certain attributes of an object:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ users|join(', ', attribute='username') }}

New in version 2.6: The attribute parameter was added.

def do_center(value: str, width: int = 80) -> str:
635def do_center(value: str, width: int = 80) -> str:
636    """Centers the value in a field of a given width."""
637    return soft_str(value).center(width)

Centers the value in a field of a given width.

def sync_do_first( environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, seq: Iterable[~V]) -> Union[~V, jinja2.runtime.Undefined]:
641def sync_do_first(
642    environment: "Environment", seq: "t.Iterable[V]"
643) -> "t.Union[V, Undefined]":
644    """Return the first item of a sequence."""
645    try:
646        return next(iter(seq))
647    except StopIteration:
648        return environment.undefined("No first item, sequence was empty.")

Return the first item of a sequence.

def do_first( environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, seq: Iterable[~V]) -> Union[~V, jinja2.runtime.Undefined]:
641def sync_do_first(
642    environment: "Environment", seq: "t.Iterable[V]"
643) -> "t.Union[V, Undefined]":
644    """Return the first item of a sequence."""
645    try:
646        return next(iter(seq))
647    except StopIteration:
648        return environment.undefined("No first item, sequence was empty.")

Return the first item of a sequence.

def do_last( environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, seq: Reversible[~V]) -> Union[~V, jinja2.runtime.Undefined]:
662def do_last(
663    environment: "Environment", seq: "t.Reversible[V]"
664) -> "t.Union[V, Undefined]":
665    """Return the last item of a sequence.
667    Note: Does not work with generators. You may want to explicitly
668    convert it to a list:
670    .. sourcecode:: jinja
672        {{ data | selectattr('name', '==', 'Jinja') | list | last }}
673    """
674    try:
675        return next(iter(reversed(seq)))
676    except StopIteration:
677        return environment.undefined("No last item, sequence was empty.")

Return the last item of a sequence.

Note: Does not work with generators. You may want to explicitly convert it to a list:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ data | selectattr('name', '==', 'Jinja') | list | last }}
def do_random( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, seq: Sequence[~V]) -> Union[~V, jinja2.runtime.Undefined]:
684def do_random(context: "Context", seq: "t.Sequence[V]") -> "t.Union[V, Undefined]":
685    """Return a random item from the sequence."""
686    try:
687        return random.choice(seq)
688    except IndexError:
689        return context.environment.undefined("No random item, sequence was empty.")

Return a random item from the sequence.

def do_filesizeformat(value: Union[str, float, int], binary: bool = False) -> str:
692def do_filesizeformat(value: t.Union[str, float, int], binary: bool = False) -> str:
693    """Format the value like a 'human-readable' file size (i.e. 13 kB,
694    4.1 MB, 102 Bytes, etc).  Per default decimal prefixes are used (Mega,
695    Giga, etc.), if the second parameter is set to `True` the binary
696    prefixes are used (Mebi, Gibi).
697    """
698    bytes = float(value)
699    base = 1024 if binary else 1000
700    prefixes = [
701        ("KiB" if binary else "kB"),
702        ("MiB" if binary else "MB"),
703        ("GiB" if binary else "GB"),
704        ("TiB" if binary else "TB"),
705        ("PiB" if binary else "PB"),
706        ("EiB" if binary else "EB"),
707        ("ZiB" if binary else "ZB"),
708        ("YiB" if binary else "YB"),
709    ]
711    if bytes == 1:
712        return "1 Byte"
713    elif bytes < base:
714        return f"{int(bytes)} Bytes"
715    else:
716        for i, prefix in enumerate(prefixes):
717            unit = base ** (i + 2)
719            if bytes < unit:
720                return f"{base * bytes / unit:.1f} {prefix}"
722        return f"{base * bytes / unit:.1f} {prefix}"

Format the value like a 'human-readable' file size (i.e. 13 kB, 4.1 MB, 102 Bytes, etc). Per default decimal prefixes are used (Mega, Giga, etc.), if the second parameter is set to True the binary prefixes are used (Mebi, Gibi).

def do_pprint(value: Any) -> str:
725def do_pprint(value: t.Any) -> str:
726    """Pretty print a variable. Useful for debugging."""
727    return pformat(value)

Pretty print a variable. Useful for debugging.

def do_urlize( eval_ctx: jinja2.nodes.EvalContext, value: str, trim_url_limit: Optional[int] = None, nofollow: bool = False, target: Optional[str] = None, rel: Optional[str] = None, extra_schemes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> str:
734def do_urlize(
735    eval_ctx: "EvalContext",
736    value: str,
737    trim_url_limit: t.Optional[int] = None,
738    nofollow: bool = False,
739    target: t.Optional[str] = None,
740    rel: t.Optional[str] = None,
741    extra_schemes: t.Optional[t.Iterable[str]] = None,
742) -> str:
743    """Convert URLs in text into clickable links.
745    This may not recognize links in some situations. Usually, a more
746    comprehensive formatter, such as a Markdown library, is a better
747    choice.
749    Works on ``http://``, ``https://``, ``www.``, ``mailto:``, and email
750    addresses. Links with trailing punctuation (periods, commas, closing
751    parentheses) and leading punctuation (opening parentheses) are
752    recognized excluding the punctuation. Email addresses that include
753    header fields are not recognized (for example,
754    ``mailto:address@example.com?cc=copy@example.com``).
756    :param value: Original text containing URLs to link.
757    :param trim_url_limit: Shorten displayed URL values to this length.
758    :param nofollow: Add the ``rel=nofollow`` attribute to links.
759    :param target: Add the ``target`` attribute to links.
760    :param rel: Add the ``rel`` attribute to links.
761    :param extra_schemes: Recognize URLs that start with these schemes
762        in addition to the default behavior. Defaults to
763        ``env.policies["urlize.extra_schemes"]``, which defaults to no
764        extra schemes.
766    .. versionchanged:: 3.0
767        The ``extra_schemes`` parameter was added.
769    .. versionchanged:: 3.0
770        Generate ``https://`` links for URLs without a scheme.
772    .. versionchanged:: 3.0
773        The parsing rules were updated. Recognize email addresses with
774        or without the ``mailto:`` scheme. Validate IP addresses. Ignore
775        parentheses and brackets in more cases.
777    .. versionchanged:: 2.8
778       The ``target`` parameter was added.
779    """
780    policies = eval_ctx.environment.policies
781    rel_parts = set((rel or "").split())
783    if nofollow:
784        rel_parts.add("nofollow")
786    rel_parts.update((policies["urlize.rel"] or "").split())
787    rel = " ".join(sorted(rel_parts)) or None
789    if target is None:
790        target = policies["urlize.target"]
792    if extra_schemes is None:
793        extra_schemes = policies["urlize.extra_schemes"] or ()
795    for scheme in extra_schemes:
796        if _uri_scheme_re.fullmatch(scheme) is None:
797            raise FilterArgumentError(f"{scheme!r} is not a valid URI scheme prefix.")
799    rv = urlize(
800        value,
801        trim_url_limit=trim_url_limit,
802        rel=rel,
803        target=target,
804        extra_schemes=extra_schemes,
805    )
807    if eval_ctx.autoescape:
808        rv = Markup(rv)
810    return rv

Convert URLs in text into clickable links.

This may not recognize links in some situations. Usually, a more comprehensive formatter, such as a Markdown library, is a better choice.

Works on http://, https://, www., mailto:, and email addresses. Links with trailing punctuation (periods, commas, closing parentheses) and leading punctuation (opening parentheses) are recognized excluding the punctuation. Email addresses that include header fields are not recognized (for example, mailto:address@example.com?cc=copy@example.com).

  • value: Original text containing URLs to link.
  • trim_url_limit: Shorten displayed URL values to this length.
  • nofollow: Add the rel=nofollow attribute to links.
  • target: Add the target attribute to links.
  • rel: Add the rel attribute to links.
  • extra_schemes: Recognize URLs that start with these schemes in addition to the default behavior. Defaults to env.policies["urlize.extra_schemes"], which defaults to no extra schemes.

Changed in version 3.0: The extra_schemes parameter was added.

Changed in version 3.0: Generate https:// links for URLs without a scheme.

Changed in version 3.0: The parsing rules were updated. Recognize email addresses with or without the mailto: scheme. Validate IP addresses. Ignore parentheses and brackets in more cases.

Changed in version 2.8: The target parameter was added.

def do_indent( s: str, width: Union[int, str] = 4, first: bool = False, blank: bool = False) -> str:
813def do_indent(
814    s: str, width: t.Union[int, str] = 4, first: bool = False, blank: bool = False
815) -> str:
816    """Return a copy of the string with each line indented by 4 spaces. The
817    first line and blank lines are not indented by default.
819    :param width: Number of spaces, or a string, to indent by.
820    :param first: Don't skip indenting the first line.
821    :param blank: Don't skip indenting empty lines.
823    .. versionchanged:: 3.0
824        ``width`` can be a string.
826    .. versionchanged:: 2.10
827        Blank lines are not indented by default.
829        Rename the ``indentfirst`` argument to ``first``.
830    """
831    if isinstance(width, str):
832        indention = width
833    else:
834        indention = " " * width
836    newline = "\n"
838    if isinstance(s, Markup):
839        indention = Markup(indention)
840        newline = Markup(newline)
842    s += newline  # this quirk is necessary for splitlines method
844    if blank:
845        rv = (newline + indention).join(s.splitlines())
846    else:
847        lines = s.splitlines()
848        rv = lines.pop(0)
850        if lines:
851            rv += newline + newline.join(
852                indention + line if line else line for line in lines
853            )
855    if first:
856        rv = indention + rv
858    return rv

Return a copy of the string with each line indented by 4 spaces. The first line and blank lines are not indented by default.

  • width: Number of spaces, or a string, to indent by.
  • first: Don't skip indenting the first line.
  • blank: Don't skip indenting empty lines.

Changed in version 3.0: width can be a string.

Changed in version 2.10: Blank lines are not indented by default.

Rename the indentfirst argument to first.

def do_truncate( env: jinja2.environment.Environment, s: str, length: int = 255, killwords: bool = False, end: str = '...', leeway: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
862def do_truncate(
863    env: "Environment",
864    s: str,
865    length: int = 255,
866    killwords: bool = False,
867    end: str = "...",
868    leeway: t.Optional[int] = None,
869) -> str:
870    """Return a truncated copy of the string. The length is specified
871    with the first parameter which defaults to ``255``. If the second
872    parameter is ``true`` the filter will cut the text at length. Otherwise
873    it will discard the last word. If the text was in fact
874    truncated it will append an ellipsis sign (``"..."``). If you want a
875    different ellipsis sign than ``"..."`` you can specify it using the
876    third parameter. Strings that only exceed the length by the tolerance
877    margin given in the fourth parameter will not be truncated.
879    .. sourcecode:: jinja
881        {{ "foo bar baz qux"|truncate(9) }}
882            -> "foo..."
883        {{ "foo bar baz qux"|truncate(9, True) }}
884            -> "foo ba..."
885        {{ "foo bar baz qux"|truncate(11) }}
886            -> "foo bar baz qux"
887        {{ "foo bar baz qux"|truncate(11, False, '...', 0) }}
888            -> "foo bar..."
890    The default leeway on newer Jinja versions is 5 and was 0 before but
891    can be reconfigured globally.
892    """
893    if leeway is None:
894        leeway = env.policies["truncate.leeway"]
896    assert length >= len(end), f"expected length >= {len(end)}, got {length}"
897    assert leeway >= 0, f"expected leeway >= 0, got {leeway}"
899    if len(s) <= length + leeway:
900        return s
902    if killwords:
903        return s[: length - len(end)] + end
905    result = s[: length - len(end)].rsplit(" ", 1)[0]
906    return result + end

Return a truncated copy of the string. The length is specified with the first parameter which defaults to 255. If the second parameter is true the filter will cut the text at length. Otherwise it will discard the last word. If the text was in fact truncated it will append an ellipsis sign ("..."). If you want a different ellipsis sign than "..." you can specify it using the third parameter. Strings that only exceed the length by the tolerance margin given in the fourth parameter will not be truncated.

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ "foo bar baz qux"|truncate(9) }}
    -> "foo..."
{{ "foo bar baz qux"|truncate(9, True) }}
    -> "foo ba..."
{{ "foo bar baz qux"|truncate(11) }}
    -> "foo bar baz qux"
{{ "foo bar baz qux"|truncate(11, False, '...', 0) }}
    -> "foo bar..."

The default leeway on newer Jinja versions is 5 and was 0 before but can be reconfigured globally.

def do_wordwrap( environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, s: str, width: int = 79, break_long_words: bool = True, wrapstring: Optional[str] = None, break_on_hyphens: bool = True) -> str:
910def do_wordwrap(
911    environment: "Environment",
912    s: str,
913    width: int = 79,
914    break_long_words: bool = True,
915    wrapstring: t.Optional[str] = None,
916    break_on_hyphens: bool = True,
917) -> str:
918    """Wrap a string to the given width. Existing newlines are treated
919    as paragraphs to be wrapped separately.
921    :param s: Original text to wrap.
922    :param width: Maximum length of wrapped lines.
923    :param break_long_words: If a word is longer than ``width``, break
924        it across lines.
925    :param break_on_hyphens: If a word contains hyphens, it may be split
926        across lines.
927    :param wrapstring: String to join each wrapped line. Defaults to
928        :attr:`Environment.newline_sequence`.
930    .. versionchanged:: 2.11
931        Existing newlines are treated as paragraphs wrapped separately.
933    .. versionchanged:: 2.11
934        Added the ``break_on_hyphens`` parameter.
936    .. versionchanged:: 2.7
937        Added the ``wrapstring`` parameter.
938    """
939    import textwrap
941    if wrapstring is None:
942        wrapstring = environment.newline_sequence
944    # textwrap.wrap doesn't consider existing newlines when wrapping.
945    # If the string has a newline before width, wrap will still insert
946    # a newline at width, resulting in a short line. Instead, split and
947    # wrap each paragraph individually.
948    return wrapstring.join(
949        [
950            wrapstring.join(
951                textwrap.wrap(
952                    line,
953                    width=width,
954                    expand_tabs=False,
955                    replace_whitespace=False,
956                    break_long_words=break_long_words,
957                    break_on_hyphens=break_on_hyphens,
958                )
959            )
960            for line in s.splitlines()
961        ]
962    )

Wrap a string to the given width. Existing newlines are treated as paragraphs to be wrapped separately.

  • s: Original text to wrap.
  • width: Maximum length of wrapped lines.
  • break_long_words: If a word is longer than width, break it across lines.
  • break_on_hyphens: If a word contains hyphens, it may be split across lines.
  • wrapstring: String to join each wrapped line. Defaults to Environment.newline_sequence.

Changed in version 2.11: Existing newlines are treated as paragraphs wrapped separately.

Changed in version 2.11: Added the break_on_hyphens parameter.

Changed in version 2.7: Added the wrapstring parameter.

def do_wordcount(s: str) -> int:
968def do_wordcount(s: str) -> int:
969    """Count the words in that string."""
970    return len(_word_re.findall(soft_str(s)))

Count the words in that string.

def do_int(value: Any, default: int = 0, base: int = 10) -> int:
973def do_int(value: t.Any, default: int = 0, base: int = 10) -> int:
974    """Convert the value into an integer. If the
975    conversion doesn't work it will return ``0``. You can
976    override this default using the first parameter. You
977    can also override the default base (10) in the second
978    parameter, which handles input with prefixes such as
979    0b, 0o and 0x for bases 2, 8 and 16 respectively.
980    The base is ignored for decimal numbers and non-string values.
981    """
982    try:
983        if isinstance(value, str):
984            return int(value, base)
986        return int(value)
987    except (TypeError, ValueError):
988        # this quirk is necessary so that "42.23"|int gives 42.
989        try:
990            return int(float(value))
991        except (TypeError, ValueError):
992            return default

Convert the value into an integer. If the conversion doesn't work it will return 0. You can override this default using the first parameter. You can also override the default base (10) in the second parameter, which handles input with prefixes such as 0b, 0o and 0x for bases 2, 8 and 16 respectively. The base is ignored for decimal numbers and non-string values.

def do_float(value: Any, default: float = 0.0) -> float:
 995def do_float(value: t.Any, default: float = 0.0) -> float:
 996    """Convert the value into a floating point number. If the
 997    conversion doesn't work it will return ``0.0``. You can
 998    override this default using the first parameter.
 999    """
1000    try:
1001        return float(value)
1002    except (TypeError, ValueError):
1003        return default

Convert the value into a floating point number. If the conversion doesn't work it will return 0.0. You can override this default using the first parameter.

def do_format(value: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
1006def do_format(value: str, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> str:
1007    """Apply the given values to a `printf-style`_ format string, like
1008    ``string % values``.
1010    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1012        {{ "%s, %s!"|format(greeting, name) }}
1013        Hello, World!
1015    In most cases it should be more convenient and efficient to use the
1016    ``%`` operator or :meth:`str.format`.
1018    .. code-block:: text
1020        {{ "%s, %s!" % (greeting, name) }}
1021        {{ "{}, {}!".format(greeting, name) }}
1023    .. _printf-style: https://docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html
1024        #printf-style-string-formatting
1025    """
1026    if args and kwargs:
1027        raise FilterArgumentError(
1028            "can't handle positional and keyword arguments at the same time"
1029        )
1031    return soft_str(value) % (kwargs or args)

Apply the given values to a printf-style format string, like string % values.

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ "%s, %s!"|format(greeting, name) }}
Hello, World!

In most cases it should be more convenient and efficient to use the % operator or str.format().

{{ "%s, %s!" % (greeting, name) }}
{{ "{}, {}!".format(greeting, name) }}
def do_trim(value: str, chars: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
1034def do_trim(value: str, chars: t.Optional[str] = None) -> str:
1035    """Strip leading and trailing characters, by default whitespace."""
1036    return soft_str(value).strip(chars)

Strip leading and trailing characters, by default whitespace.

def do_striptags(value: Union[str, jinja2.filters.HasHTML]) -> str:
1039def do_striptags(value: "t.Union[str, HasHTML]") -> str:
1040    """Strip SGML/XML tags and replace adjacent whitespace by one space."""
1041    if hasattr(value, "__html__"):
1042        value = t.cast("HasHTML", value).__html__()
1044    return Markup(str(value)).striptags()

Strip SGML/XML tags and replace adjacent whitespace by one space.

def sync_do_slice( value: Collection[~V], slices: int, fill_with: Optional[~V] = None) -> Iterator[List[~V]]:
1047def sync_do_slice(
1048    value: "t.Collection[V]", slices: int, fill_with: "t.Optional[V]" = None
1049) -> "t.Iterator[t.List[V]]":
1050    """Slice an iterator and return a list of lists containing
1051    those items. Useful if you want to create a div containing
1052    three ul tags that represent columns:
1054    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
1056        <div class="columnwrapper">
1057          {%- for column in items|slice(3) %}
1058            <ul class="column-{{ loop.index }}">
1059            {%- for item in column %}
1060              <li>{{ item }}</li>
1061            {%- endfor %}
1062            </ul>
1063          {%- endfor %}
1064        </div>
1066    If you pass it a second argument it's used to fill missing
1067    values on the last iteration.
1068    """
1069    seq = list(value)
1070    length = len(seq)
1071    items_per_slice = length // slices
1072    slices_with_extra = length % slices
1073    offset = 0
1075    for slice_number in range(slices):
1076        start = offset + slice_number * items_per_slice
1078        if slice_number < slices_with_extra:
1079            offset += 1
1081        end = offset + (slice_number + 1) * items_per_slice
1082        tmp = seq[start:end]
1084        if fill_with is not None and slice_number >= slices_with_extra:
1085            tmp.append(fill_with)
1087        yield tmp

Slice an iterator and return a list of lists containing those items. Useful if you want to create a div containing three ul tags that represent columns:

.. sourcecode:: html+jinja

<div class="columnwrapper">
  {%- for column in items|slice(3) %}
    <ul class="column-{{ loop.index }}">
    {%- for item in column %}
      <li>{{ item }}</li>
    {%- endfor %}
  {%- endfor %}

If you pass it a second argument it's used to fill missing values on the last iteration.

def do_slice( value: Collection[~V], slices: int, fill_with: Optional[~V] = None) -> Iterator[List[~V]]:
1047def sync_do_slice(
1048    value: "t.Collection[V]", slices: int, fill_with: "t.Optional[V]" = None
1049) -> "t.Iterator[t.List[V]]":
1050    """Slice an iterator and return a list of lists containing
1051    those items. Useful if you want to create a div containing
1052    three ul tags that represent columns:
1054    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
1056        <div class="columnwrapper">
1057          {%- for column in items|slice(3) %}
1058            <ul class="column-{{ loop.index }}">
1059            {%- for item in column %}
1060              <li>{{ item }}</li>
1061            {%- endfor %}
1062            </ul>
1063          {%- endfor %}
1064        </div>
1066    If you pass it a second argument it's used to fill missing
1067    values on the last iteration.
1068    """
1069    seq = list(value)
1070    length = len(seq)
1071    items_per_slice = length // slices
1072    slices_with_extra = length % slices
1073    offset = 0
1075    for slice_number in range(slices):
1076        start = offset + slice_number * items_per_slice
1078        if slice_number < slices_with_extra:
1079            offset += 1
1081        end = offset + (slice_number + 1) * items_per_slice
1082        tmp = seq[start:end]
1084        if fill_with is not None and slice_number >= slices_with_extra:
1085            tmp.append(fill_with)
1087        yield tmp

Slice an iterator and return a list of lists containing those items. Useful if you want to create a div containing three ul tags that represent columns:

.. sourcecode:: html+jinja

<div class="columnwrapper">
  {%- for column in items|slice(3) %}
    <ul class="column-{{ loop.index }}">
    {%- for item in column %}
      <li>{{ item }}</li>
    {%- endfor %}
  {%- endfor %}

If you pass it a second argument it's used to fill missing values on the last iteration.

def do_batch( value: Iterable[~V], linecount: int, fill_with: Optional[~V] = None) -> Iterator[List[~V]]:
1099def do_batch(
1100    value: "t.Iterable[V]", linecount: int, fill_with: "t.Optional[V]" = None
1101) -> "t.Iterator[t.List[V]]":
1102    """
1103    A filter that batches items. It works pretty much like `slice`
1104    just the other way round. It returns a list of lists with the
1105    given number of items. If you provide a second parameter this
1106    is used to fill up missing items. See this example:
1108    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
1110        <table>
1111        {%- for row in items|batch(3, '&nbsp;') %}
1112          <tr>
1113          {%- for column in row %}
1114            <td>{{ column }}</td>
1115          {%- endfor %}
1116          </tr>
1117        {%- endfor %}
1118        </table>
1119    """
1120    tmp: "t.List[V]" = []
1122    for item in value:
1123        if len(tmp) == linecount:
1124            yield tmp
1125            tmp = []
1127        tmp.append(item)
1129    if tmp:
1130        if fill_with is not None and len(tmp) < linecount:
1131            tmp += [fill_with] * (linecount - len(tmp))
1133        yield tmp

A filter that batches items. It works pretty much like slice just the other way round. It returns a list of lists with the given number of items. If you provide a second parameter this is used to fill up missing items. See this example:

.. sourcecode:: html+jinja

{%- for row in items|batch(3, '&nbsp;') %}
  {%- for column in row %}
    <td>{{ column }}</td>
  {%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
def do_round( value: float, precision: int = 0, method: Literal['common', 'ceil', 'floor'] = 'common') -> float:
1136def do_round(
1137    value: float,
1138    precision: int = 0,
1139    method: 'te.Literal["common", "ceil", "floor"]' = "common",
1140) -> float:
1141    """Round the number to a given precision. The first
1142    parameter specifies the precision (default is ``0``), the
1143    second the rounding method:
1145    - ``'common'`` rounds either up or down
1146    - ``'ceil'`` always rounds up
1147    - ``'floor'`` always rounds down
1149    If you don't specify a method ``'common'`` is used.
1151    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1153        {{ 42.55|round }}
1154            -> 43.0
1155        {{ 42.55|round(1, 'floor') }}
1156            -> 42.5
1158    Note that even if rounded to 0 precision, a float is returned.  If
1159    you need a real integer, pipe it through `int`:
1161    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1163        {{ 42.55|round|int }}
1164            -> 43
1165    """
1166    if method not in {"common", "ceil", "floor"}:
1167        raise FilterArgumentError("method must be common, ceil or floor")
1169    if method == "common":
1170        return round(value, precision)
1172    func = getattr(math, method)
1173    return t.cast(float, func(value * (10**precision)) / (10**precision))

Round the number to a given precision. The first parameter specifies the precision (default is 0), the second the rounding method:

  • 'common' rounds either up or down
  • 'ceil' always rounds up
  • 'floor' always rounds down

If you don't specify a method 'common' is used.

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ 42.55|round }}
    -> 43.0
{{ 42.55|round(1, 'floor') }}
    -> 42.5

Note that even if rounded to 0 precision, a float is returned. If you need a real integer, pipe it through int:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ 42.55|round|int }}
    -> 43
def sync_do_groupby( environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, value: Iterable[~V], attribute: Union[str, int], default: Optional[Any] = None, case_sensitive: bool = False) -> List[jinja2.filters._GroupTuple]:
1190def sync_do_groupby(
1191    environment: "Environment",
1192    value: "t.Iterable[V]",
1193    attribute: t.Union[str, int],
1194    default: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
1195    case_sensitive: bool = False,
1196) -> "t.List[_GroupTuple]":
1197    """Group a sequence of objects by an attribute using Python's
1198    :func:`itertools.groupby`. The attribute can use dot notation for
1199    nested access, like ``"address.city"``. Unlike Python's ``groupby``,
1200    the values are sorted first so only one group is returned for each
1201    unique value.
1203    For example, a list of ``User`` objects with a ``city`` attribute
1204    can be rendered in groups. In this example, ``grouper`` refers to
1205    the ``city`` value of the group.
1207    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
1209        <ul>{% for city, items in users|groupby("city") %}
1210          <li>{{ city }}
1211            <ul>{% for user in items %}
1212              <li>{{ user.name }}
1213            {% endfor %}</ul>
1214          </li>
1215        {% endfor %}</ul>
1217    ``groupby`` yields namedtuples of ``(grouper, list)``, which
1218    can be used instead of the tuple unpacking above. ``grouper`` is the
1219    value of the attribute, and ``list`` is the items with that value.
1221    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
1223        <ul>{% for group in users|groupby("city") %}
1224          <li>{{ group.grouper }}: {{ group.list|join(", ") }}
1225        {% endfor %}</ul>
1227    You can specify a ``default`` value to use if an object in the list
1228    does not have the given attribute.
1230    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1232        <ul>{% for city, items in users|groupby("city", default="NY") %}
1233          <li>{{ city }}: {{ items|map(attribute="name")|join(", ") }}</li>
1234        {% endfor %}</ul>
1236    Like the :func:`~jinja-filters.sort` filter, sorting and grouping is
1237    case-insensitive by default. The ``key`` for each group will have
1238    the case of the first item in that group of values. For example, if
1239    a list of users has cities ``["CA", "NY", "ca"]``, the "CA" group
1240    will have two values. This can be disabled by passing
1241    ``case_sensitive=True``.
1243    .. versionchanged:: 3.1
1244        Added the ``case_sensitive`` parameter. Sorting and grouping is
1245        case-insensitive by default, matching other filters that do
1246        comparisons.
1248    .. versionchanged:: 3.0
1249        Added the ``default`` parameter.
1251    .. versionchanged:: 2.6
1252        The attribute supports dot notation for nested access.
1253    """
1254    expr = make_attrgetter(
1255        environment,
1256        attribute,
1257        postprocess=ignore_case if not case_sensitive else None,
1258        default=default,
1259    )
1260    out = [
1261        _GroupTuple(key, list(values))
1262        for key, values in groupby(sorted(value, key=expr), expr)
1263    ]
1265    if not case_sensitive:
1266        # Return the real key from the first value instead of the lowercase key.
1267        output_expr = make_attrgetter(environment, attribute, default=default)
1268        out = [_GroupTuple(output_expr(values[0]), values) for _, values in out]
1270    return out

Group a sequence of objects by an attribute using Python's itertools.groupby(). The attribute can use dot notation for nested access, like "address.city". Unlike Python's groupby, the values are sorted first so only one group is returned for each unique value.

For example, a list of User objects with a city attribute can be rendered in groups. In this example, grouper refers to the city value of the group.

.. sourcecode:: html+jinja

<ul>{% for city, items in users|groupby("city") %}
  <li>{{ city }}
    <ul>{% for user in items %}
      <li>{{ user.name }}
    {% endfor %}</ul>
{% endfor %}</ul>

groupby yields namedtuples of (grouper, list), which can be used instead of the tuple unpacking above. grouper is the value of the attribute, and list is the items with that value.

.. sourcecode:: html+jinja

<ul>{% for group in users|groupby("city") %}
  <li>{{ group.grouper }}: {{ group.list|join(", ") }}
{% endfor %}</ul>

You can specify a default value to use if an object in the list does not have the given attribute.

.. sourcecode:: jinja

<ul>{% for city, items in users|groupby("city", default="NY") %}
  <li>{{ city }}: {{ items|map(attribute="name")|join(", ") }}</li>
{% endfor %}</ul>

Like the ~jinja-filters.sort() filter, sorting and grouping is case-insensitive by default. The key for each group will have the case of the first item in that group of values. For example, if a list of users has cities ["CA", "NY", "ca"], the "CA" group will have two values. This can be disabled by passing case_sensitive=True.

Changed in version 3.1: Added the case_sensitive parameter. Sorting and grouping is case-insensitive by default, matching other filters that do comparisons.

Changed in version 3.0: Added the default parameter.

Changed in version 2.6: The attribute supports dot notation for nested access.

def do_groupby( environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, value: Iterable[~V], attribute: Union[str, int], default: Optional[Any] = None, case_sensitive: bool = False) -> List[jinja2.filters._GroupTuple]:
1190def sync_do_groupby(
1191    environment: "Environment",
1192    value: "t.Iterable[V]",
1193    attribute: t.Union[str, int],
1194    default: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
1195    case_sensitive: bool = False,
1196) -> "t.List[_GroupTuple]":
1197    """Group a sequence of objects by an attribute using Python's
1198    :func:`itertools.groupby`. The attribute can use dot notation for
1199    nested access, like ``"address.city"``. Unlike Python's ``groupby``,
1200    the values are sorted first so only one group is returned for each
1201    unique value.
1203    For example, a list of ``User`` objects with a ``city`` attribute
1204    can be rendered in groups. In this example, ``grouper`` refers to
1205    the ``city`` value of the group.
1207    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
1209        <ul>{% for city, items in users|groupby("city") %}
1210          <li>{{ city }}
1211            <ul>{% for user in items %}
1212              <li>{{ user.name }}
1213            {% endfor %}</ul>
1214          </li>
1215        {% endfor %}</ul>
1217    ``groupby`` yields namedtuples of ``(grouper, list)``, which
1218    can be used instead of the tuple unpacking above. ``grouper`` is the
1219    value of the attribute, and ``list`` is the items with that value.
1221    .. sourcecode:: html+jinja
1223        <ul>{% for group in users|groupby("city") %}
1224          <li>{{ group.grouper }}: {{ group.list|join(", ") }}
1225        {% endfor %}</ul>
1227    You can specify a ``default`` value to use if an object in the list
1228    does not have the given attribute.
1230    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1232        <ul>{% for city, items in users|groupby("city", default="NY") %}
1233          <li>{{ city }}: {{ items|map(attribute="name")|join(", ") }}</li>
1234        {% endfor %}</ul>
1236    Like the :func:`~jinja-filters.sort` filter, sorting and grouping is
1237    case-insensitive by default. The ``key`` for each group will have
1238    the case of the first item in that group of values. For example, if
1239    a list of users has cities ``["CA", "NY", "ca"]``, the "CA" group
1240    will have two values. This can be disabled by passing
1241    ``case_sensitive=True``.
1243    .. versionchanged:: 3.1
1244        Added the ``case_sensitive`` parameter. Sorting and grouping is
1245        case-insensitive by default, matching other filters that do
1246        comparisons.
1248    .. versionchanged:: 3.0
1249        Added the ``default`` parameter.
1251    .. versionchanged:: 2.6
1252        The attribute supports dot notation for nested access.
1253    """
1254    expr = make_attrgetter(
1255        environment,
1256        attribute,
1257        postprocess=ignore_case if not case_sensitive else None,
1258        default=default,
1259    )
1260    out = [
1261        _GroupTuple(key, list(values))
1262        for key, values in groupby(sorted(value, key=expr), expr)
1263    ]
1265    if not case_sensitive:
1266        # Return the real key from the first value instead of the lowercase key.
1267        output_expr = make_attrgetter(environment, attribute, default=default)
1268        out = [_GroupTuple(output_expr(values[0]), values) for _, values in out]
1270    return out

Group a sequence of objects by an attribute using Python's itertools.groupby(). The attribute can use dot notation for nested access, like "address.city". Unlike Python's groupby, the values are sorted first so only one group is returned for each unique value.

For example, a list of User objects with a city attribute can be rendered in groups. In this example, grouper refers to the city value of the group.

.. sourcecode:: html+jinja

<ul>{% for city, items in users|groupby("city") %}
  <li>{{ city }}
    <ul>{% for user in items %}
      <li>{{ user.name }}
    {% endfor %}</ul>
{% endfor %}</ul>

groupby yields namedtuples of (grouper, list), which can be used instead of the tuple unpacking above. grouper is the value of the attribute, and list is the items with that value.

.. sourcecode:: html+jinja

<ul>{% for group in users|groupby("city") %}
  <li>{{ group.grouper }}: {{ group.list|join(", ") }}
{% endfor %}</ul>

You can specify a default value to use if an object in the list does not have the given attribute.

.. sourcecode:: jinja

<ul>{% for city, items in users|groupby("city", default="NY") %}
  <li>{{ city }}: {{ items|map(attribute="name")|join(", ") }}</li>
{% endfor %}</ul>

Like the ~jinja-filters.sort() filter, sorting and grouping is case-insensitive by default. The key for each group will have the case of the first item in that group of values. For example, if a list of users has cities ["CA", "NY", "ca"], the "CA" group will have two values. This can be disabled by passing case_sensitive=True.

Changed in version 3.1: Added the case_sensitive parameter. Sorting and grouping is case-insensitive by default, matching other filters that do comparisons.

Changed in version 3.0: Added the default parameter.

Changed in version 2.6: The attribute supports dot notation for nested access.

def sync_do_sum( environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, iterable: Iterable[~V], attribute: Union[str, int, NoneType] = None, start: ~V = 0) -> ~V:
1301def sync_do_sum(
1302    environment: "Environment",
1303    iterable: "t.Iterable[V]",
1304    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
1305    start: V = 0,  # type: ignore
1306) -> V:
1307    """Returns the sum of a sequence of numbers plus the value of parameter
1308    'start' (which defaults to 0).  When the sequence is empty it returns
1309    start.
1311    It is also possible to sum up only certain attributes:
1313    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1315        Total: {{ items|sum(attribute='price') }}
1317    .. versionchanged:: 2.6
1318       The ``attribute`` parameter was added to allow summing up over
1319       attributes.  Also the ``start`` parameter was moved on to the right.
1320    """
1321    if attribute is not None:
1322        iterable = map(make_attrgetter(environment, attribute), iterable)
1324    return sum(iterable, start)  # type: ignore[no-any-return, call-overload]

Returns the sum of a sequence of numbers plus the value of parameter 'start' (which defaults to 0). When the sequence is empty it returns start.

It is also possible to sum up only certain attributes:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

Total: {{ items|sum(attribute='price') }}

Changed in version 2.6: The attribute parameter was added to allow summing up over attributes. Also the start parameter was moved on to the right.

def do_sum( environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, iterable: Iterable[~V], attribute: Union[str, int, NoneType] = None, start: ~V = 0) -> ~V:
1301def sync_do_sum(
1302    environment: "Environment",
1303    iterable: "t.Iterable[V]",
1304    attribute: t.Optional[t.Union[str, int]] = None,
1305    start: V = 0,  # type: ignore
1306) -> V:
1307    """Returns the sum of a sequence of numbers plus the value of parameter
1308    'start' (which defaults to 0).  When the sequence is empty it returns
1309    start.
1311    It is also possible to sum up only certain attributes:
1313    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1315        Total: {{ items|sum(attribute='price') }}
1317    .. versionchanged:: 2.6
1318       The ``attribute`` parameter was added to allow summing up over
1319       attributes.  Also the ``start`` parameter was moved on to the right.
1320    """
1321    if attribute is not None:
1322        iterable = map(make_attrgetter(environment, attribute), iterable)
1324    return sum(iterable, start)  # type: ignore[no-any-return, call-overload]

Returns the sum of a sequence of numbers plus the value of parameter 'start' (which defaults to 0). When the sequence is empty it returns start.

It is also possible to sum up only certain attributes:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

Total: {{ items|sum(attribute='price') }}

Changed in version 2.6: The attribute parameter was added to allow summing up over attributes. Also the start parameter was moved on to the right.

def sync_do_list(value: Iterable[~V]) -> List[~V]:
1349def sync_do_list(value: "t.Iterable[V]") -> "t.List[V]":
1350    """Convert the value into a list.  If it was a string the returned list
1351    will be a list of characters.
1352    """
1353    return list(value)

Convert the value into a list. If it was a string the returned list will be a list of characters.

def do_list(value: Iterable[~V]) -> List[~V]:
1349def sync_do_list(value: "t.Iterable[V]") -> "t.List[V]":
1350    """Convert the value into a list.  If it was a string the returned list
1351    will be a list of characters.
1352    """
1353    return list(value)

Convert the value into a list. If it was a string the returned list will be a list of characters.

def do_mark_safe(value: str) -> markupsafe.Markup:
1361def do_mark_safe(value: str) -> Markup:
1362    """Mark the value as safe which means that in an environment with automatic
1363    escaping enabled this variable will not be escaped.
1364    """
1365    return Markup(value)

Mark the value as safe which means that in an environment with automatic escaping enabled this variable will not be escaped.

def do_mark_unsafe(value: str) -> str:
1368def do_mark_unsafe(value: str) -> str:
1369    """Mark a value as unsafe.  This is the reverse operation for :func:`safe`."""
1370    return str(value)

Mark a value as unsafe. This is the reverse operation for safe().

def do_reverse(value: Union[str, Iterable[~V]]) -> Union[str, Iterable[~V]]:
1381def do_reverse(value: t.Union[str, t.Iterable[V]]) -> t.Union[str, t.Iterable[V]]:
1382    """Reverse the object or return an iterator that iterates over it the other
1383    way round.
1384    """
1385    if isinstance(value, str):
1386        return value[::-1]
1388    try:
1389        return reversed(value)  # type: ignore
1390    except TypeError:
1391        try:
1392            rv = list(value)
1393            rv.reverse()
1394            return rv
1395        except TypeError as e:
1396            raise FilterArgumentError("argument must be iterable") from e

Reverse the object or return an iterator that iterates over it the other way round.

def do_attr( environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, obj: Any, name: str) -> Union[jinja2.runtime.Undefined, Any]:
1400def do_attr(
1401    environment: "Environment", obj: t.Any, name: str
1402) -> t.Union[Undefined, t.Any]:
1403    """Get an attribute of an object.  ``foo|attr("bar")`` works like
1404    ``foo.bar`` just that always an attribute is returned and items are not
1405    looked up.
1407    See :ref:`Notes on subscriptions <notes-on-subscriptions>` for more details.
1408    """
1409    try:
1410        name = str(name)
1411    except UnicodeError:
1412        pass
1413    else:
1414        try:
1415            value = getattr(obj, name)
1416        except AttributeError:
1417            pass
1418        else:
1419            if environment.sandboxed:
1420                environment = t.cast("SandboxedEnvironment", environment)
1422                if not environment.is_safe_attribute(obj, name, value):
1423                    return environment.unsafe_undefined(obj, name)
1425            return value
1427    return environment.undefined(obj=obj, name=name)

Get an attribute of an object. foo|attr("bar") works like foo.bar just that always an attribute is returned and items are not looked up.

See :ref:Notes on subscriptions <notes-on-subscriptions> for more details.

def sync_do_map( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, value: Iterable[Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterable[Any]:
1451def sync_do_map(
1452    context: "Context", value: t.Iterable[t.Any], *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
1453) -> t.Iterable[t.Any]:
1454    """Applies a filter on a sequence of objects or looks up an attribute.
1455    This is useful when dealing with lists of objects but you are really
1456    only interested in a certain value of it.
1458    The basic usage is mapping on an attribute.  Imagine you have a list
1459    of users but you are only interested in a list of usernames:
1461    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1463        Users on this page: {{ users|map(attribute='username')|join(', ') }}
1465    You can specify a ``default`` value to use if an object in the list
1466    does not have the given attribute.
1468    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1470        {{ users|map(attribute="username", default="Anonymous")|join(", ") }}
1472    Alternatively you can let it invoke a filter by passing the name of the
1473    filter and the arguments afterwards.  A good example would be applying a
1474    text conversion filter on a sequence:
1476    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1478        Users on this page: {{ titles|map('lower')|join(', ') }}
1480    Similar to a generator comprehension such as:
1482    .. code-block:: python
1484        (u.username for u in users)
1485        (getattr(u, "username", "Anonymous") for u in users)
1486        (do_lower(x) for x in titles)
1488    .. versionchanged:: 2.11.0
1489        Added the ``default`` parameter.
1491    .. versionadded:: 2.7
1492    """
1493    if value:
1494        func = prepare_map(context, args, kwargs)
1496        for item in value:
1497            yield func(item)

Applies a filter on a sequence of objects or looks up an attribute. This is useful when dealing with lists of objects but you are really only interested in a certain value of it.

The basic usage is mapping on an attribute. Imagine you have a list of users but you are only interested in a list of usernames:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

Users on this page: {{ users|map(attribute='username')|join(', ') }}

You can specify a default value to use if an object in the list does not have the given attribute.

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ users|map(attribute="username", default="Anonymous")|join(", ") }}

Alternatively you can let it invoke a filter by passing the name of the filter and the arguments afterwards. A good example would be applying a text conversion filter on a sequence:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

Users on this page: {{ titles|map('lower')|join(', ') }}

Similar to a generator comprehension such as:

(u.username for u in users)
(getattr(u, "username", "Anonymous") for u in users)
(do_lower(x) for x in titles)

Changed in version 2.11.0: Added the default parameter.

New in version 2.7.

def do_map( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, value: Iterable[Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterable[Any]:
1451def sync_do_map(
1452    context: "Context", value: t.Iterable[t.Any], *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
1453) -> t.Iterable[t.Any]:
1454    """Applies a filter on a sequence of objects or looks up an attribute.
1455    This is useful when dealing with lists of objects but you are really
1456    only interested in a certain value of it.
1458    The basic usage is mapping on an attribute.  Imagine you have a list
1459    of users but you are only interested in a list of usernames:
1461    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1463        Users on this page: {{ users|map(attribute='username')|join(', ') }}
1465    You can specify a ``default`` value to use if an object in the list
1466    does not have the given attribute.
1468    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1470        {{ users|map(attribute="username", default="Anonymous")|join(", ") }}
1472    Alternatively you can let it invoke a filter by passing the name of the
1473    filter and the arguments afterwards.  A good example would be applying a
1474    text conversion filter on a sequence:
1476    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1478        Users on this page: {{ titles|map('lower')|join(', ') }}
1480    Similar to a generator comprehension such as:
1482    .. code-block:: python
1484        (u.username for u in users)
1485        (getattr(u, "username", "Anonymous") for u in users)
1486        (do_lower(x) for x in titles)
1488    .. versionchanged:: 2.11.0
1489        Added the ``default`` parameter.
1491    .. versionadded:: 2.7
1492    """
1493    if value:
1494        func = prepare_map(context, args, kwargs)
1496        for item in value:
1497            yield func(item)

Applies a filter on a sequence of objects or looks up an attribute. This is useful when dealing with lists of objects but you are really only interested in a certain value of it.

The basic usage is mapping on an attribute. Imagine you have a list of users but you are only interested in a list of usernames:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

Users on this page: {{ users|map(attribute='username')|join(', ') }}

You can specify a default value to use if an object in the list does not have the given attribute.

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ users|map(attribute="username", default="Anonymous")|join(", ") }}

Alternatively you can let it invoke a filter by passing the name of the filter and the arguments afterwards. A good example would be applying a text conversion filter on a sequence:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

Users on this page: {{ titles|map('lower')|join(', ') }}

Similar to a generator comprehension such as:

(u.username for u in users)
(getattr(u, "username", "Anonymous") for u in users)
(do_lower(x) for x in titles)

Changed in version 2.11.0: Added the default parameter.

New in version 2.7.

def sync_do_select( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, value: Iterable[~V], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[~V]:
1535def sync_do_select(
1536    context: "Context", value: "t.Iterable[V]", *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
1537) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
1538    """Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to each object,
1539    and only selecting the objects with the test succeeding.
1541    If no test is specified, each object will be evaluated as a boolean.
1543    Example usage:
1545    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1547        {{ numbers|select("odd") }}
1548        {{ numbers|select("odd") }}
1549        {{ numbers|select("divisibleby", 3) }}
1550        {{ numbers|select("lessthan", 42) }}
1551        {{ strings|select("equalto", "mystring") }}
1553    Similar to a generator comprehension such as:
1555    .. code-block:: python
1557        (n for n in numbers if test_odd(n))
1558        (n for n in numbers if test_divisibleby(n, 3))
1560    .. versionadded:: 2.7
1561    """
1562    return select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: x, False)

Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to each object, and only selecting the objects with the test succeeding.

If no test is specified, each object will be evaluated as a boolean.

Example usage:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ numbers|select("odd") }}
{{ numbers|select("odd") }}
{{ numbers|select("divisibleby", 3) }}
{{ numbers|select("lessthan", 42) }}
{{ strings|select("equalto", "mystring") }}

Similar to a generator comprehension such as:

(n for n in numbers if test_odd(n))
(n for n in numbers if test_divisibleby(n, 3))

New in version 2.7.

def do_select( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, value: Iterable[~V], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[~V]:
1535def sync_do_select(
1536    context: "Context", value: "t.Iterable[V]", *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
1537) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
1538    """Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to each object,
1539    and only selecting the objects with the test succeeding.
1541    If no test is specified, each object will be evaluated as a boolean.
1543    Example usage:
1545    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1547        {{ numbers|select("odd") }}
1548        {{ numbers|select("odd") }}
1549        {{ numbers|select("divisibleby", 3) }}
1550        {{ numbers|select("lessthan", 42) }}
1551        {{ strings|select("equalto", "mystring") }}
1553    Similar to a generator comprehension such as:
1555    .. code-block:: python
1557        (n for n in numbers if test_odd(n))
1558        (n for n in numbers if test_divisibleby(n, 3))
1560    .. versionadded:: 2.7
1561    """
1562    return select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: x, False)

Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to each object, and only selecting the objects with the test succeeding.

If no test is specified, each object will be evaluated as a boolean.

Example usage:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ numbers|select("odd") }}
{{ numbers|select("odd") }}
{{ numbers|select("divisibleby", 3) }}
{{ numbers|select("lessthan", 42) }}
{{ strings|select("equalto", "mystring") }}

Similar to a generator comprehension such as:

(n for n in numbers if test_odd(n))
(n for n in numbers if test_divisibleby(n, 3))

New in version 2.7.

def sync_do_reject( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, value: Iterable[~V], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[~V]:
1576def sync_do_reject(
1577    context: "Context", value: "t.Iterable[V]", *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
1578) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
1579    """Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to each object,
1580    and rejecting the objects with the test succeeding.
1582    If no test is specified, each object will be evaluated as a boolean.
1584    Example usage:
1586    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1588        {{ numbers|reject("odd") }}
1590    Similar to a generator comprehension such as:
1592    .. code-block:: python
1594        (n for n in numbers if not test_odd(n))
1596    .. versionadded:: 2.7
1597    """
1598    return select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: not x, False)

Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to each object, and rejecting the objects with the test succeeding.

If no test is specified, each object will be evaluated as a boolean.

Example usage:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ numbers|reject("odd") }}

Similar to a generator comprehension such as:

(n for n in numbers if not test_odd(n))

New in version 2.7.

def do_reject( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, value: Iterable[~V], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[~V]:
1576def sync_do_reject(
1577    context: "Context", value: "t.Iterable[V]", *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
1578) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
1579    """Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to each object,
1580    and rejecting the objects with the test succeeding.
1582    If no test is specified, each object will be evaluated as a boolean.
1584    Example usage:
1586    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1588        {{ numbers|reject("odd") }}
1590    Similar to a generator comprehension such as:
1592    .. code-block:: python
1594        (n for n in numbers if not test_odd(n))
1596    .. versionadded:: 2.7
1597    """
1598    return select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: not x, False)

Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to each object, and rejecting the objects with the test succeeding.

If no test is specified, each object will be evaluated as a boolean.

Example usage:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ numbers|reject("odd") }}

Similar to a generator comprehension such as:

(n for n in numbers if not test_odd(n))

New in version 2.7.

def sync_do_selectattr( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, value: Iterable[~V], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[~V]:
1612def sync_do_selectattr(
1613    context: "Context", value: "t.Iterable[V]", *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
1614) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
1615    """Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to the specified
1616    attribute of each object, and only selecting the objects with the
1617    test succeeding.
1619    If no test is specified, the attribute's value will be evaluated as
1620    a boolean.
1622    Example usage:
1624    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1626        {{ users|selectattr("is_active") }}
1627        {{ users|selectattr("email", "none") }}
1629    Similar to a generator comprehension such as:
1631    .. code-block:: python
1633        (u for user in users if user.is_active)
1634        (u for user in users if test_none(user.email))
1636    .. versionadded:: 2.7
1637    """
1638    return select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: x, True)

Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to the specified attribute of each object, and only selecting the objects with the test succeeding.

If no test is specified, the attribute's value will be evaluated as a boolean.

Example usage:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ users|selectattr("is_active") }}
{{ users|selectattr("email", "none") }}

Similar to a generator comprehension such as:

(u for user in users if user.is_active)
(u for user in users if test_none(user.email))

New in version 2.7.

def do_selectattr( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, value: Iterable[~V], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[~V]:
1612def sync_do_selectattr(
1613    context: "Context", value: "t.Iterable[V]", *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
1614) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
1615    """Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to the specified
1616    attribute of each object, and only selecting the objects with the
1617    test succeeding.
1619    If no test is specified, the attribute's value will be evaluated as
1620    a boolean.
1622    Example usage:
1624    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1626        {{ users|selectattr("is_active") }}
1627        {{ users|selectattr("email", "none") }}
1629    Similar to a generator comprehension such as:
1631    .. code-block:: python
1633        (u for user in users if user.is_active)
1634        (u for user in users if test_none(user.email))
1636    .. versionadded:: 2.7
1637    """
1638    return select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: x, True)

Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to the specified attribute of each object, and only selecting the objects with the test succeeding.

If no test is specified, the attribute's value will be evaluated as a boolean.

Example usage:

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ users|selectattr("is_active") }}
{{ users|selectattr("email", "none") }}

Similar to a generator comprehension such as:

(u for user in users if user.is_active)
(u for user in users if test_none(user.email))

New in version 2.7.

def sync_do_rejectattr( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, value: Iterable[~V], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[~V]:
1652def sync_do_rejectattr(
1653    context: "Context", value: "t.Iterable[V]", *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
1654) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
1655    """Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to the specified
1656    attribute of each object, and rejecting the objects with the test
1657    succeeding.
1659    If no test is specified, the attribute's value will be evaluated as
1660    a boolean.
1662    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1664        {{ users|rejectattr("is_active") }}
1665        {{ users|rejectattr("email", "none") }}
1667    Similar to a generator comprehension such as:
1669    .. code-block:: python
1671        (u for user in users if not user.is_active)
1672        (u for user in users if not test_none(user.email))
1674    .. versionadded:: 2.7
1675    """
1676    return select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: not x, True)

Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to the specified attribute of each object, and rejecting the objects with the test succeeding.

If no test is specified, the attribute's value will be evaluated as a boolean.

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ users|rejectattr("is_active") }}
{{ users|rejectattr("email", "none") }}

Similar to a generator comprehension such as:

(u for user in users if not user.is_active)
(u for user in users if not test_none(user.email))

New in version 2.7.

def do_rejectattr( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, value: Iterable[~V], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[~V]:
1652def sync_do_rejectattr(
1653    context: "Context", value: "t.Iterable[V]", *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any
1654) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
1655    """Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to the specified
1656    attribute of each object, and rejecting the objects with the test
1657    succeeding.
1659    If no test is specified, the attribute's value will be evaluated as
1660    a boolean.
1662    .. sourcecode:: jinja
1664        {{ users|rejectattr("is_active") }}
1665        {{ users|rejectattr("email", "none") }}
1667    Similar to a generator comprehension such as:
1669    .. code-block:: python
1671        (u for user in users if not user.is_active)
1672        (u for user in users if not test_none(user.email))
1674    .. versionadded:: 2.7
1675    """
1676    return select_or_reject(context, value, args, kwargs, lambda x: not x, True)

Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to the specified attribute of each object, and rejecting the objects with the test succeeding.

If no test is specified, the attribute's value will be evaluated as a boolean.

.. sourcecode:: jinja

{{ users|rejectattr("is_active") }}
{{ users|rejectattr("email", "none") }}

Similar to a generator comprehension such as:

(u for user in users if not user.is_active)
(u for user in users if not test_none(user.email))

New in version 2.7.

def do_tojson( eval_ctx: jinja2.nodes.EvalContext, value: Any, indent: Optional[int] = None) -> markupsafe.Markup:
1690def do_tojson(
1691    eval_ctx: "EvalContext", value: t.Any, indent: t.Optional[int] = None
1692) -> Markup:
1693    """Serialize an object to a string of JSON, and mark it safe to
1694    render in HTML. This filter is only for use in HTML documents.
1696    The returned string is safe to render in HTML documents and
1697    ``<script>`` tags. The exception is in HTML attributes that are
1698    double quoted; either use single quotes or the ``|forceescape``
1699    filter.
1701    :param value: The object to serialize to JSON.
1702    :param indent: The ``indent`` parameter passed to ``dumps``, for
1703        pretty-printing the value.
1705    .. versionadded:: 2.9
1706    """
1707    policies = eval_ctx.environment.policies
1708    dumps = policies["json.dumps_function"]
1709    kwargs = policies["json.dumps_kwargs"]
1711    if indent is not None:
1712        kwargs = kwargs.copy()
1713        kwargs["indent"] = indent
1715    return htmlsafe_json_dumps(value, dumps=dumps, **kwargs)

Serialize an object to a string of JSON, and mark it safe to render in HTML. This filter is only for use in HTML documents.

The returned string is safe to render in HTML documents and <script> tags. The exception is in HTML attributes that are double quoted; either use single quotes or the |forceescape filter.

  • value: The object to serialize to JSON.
  • indent: The indent parameter passed to dumps, for pretty-printing the value.

New in version 2.9.

def prepare_map( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, args: Tuple[Any, ...], kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Callable[[Any], Any]:
1718def prepare_map(
1719    context: "Context", args: t.Tuple[t.Any, ...], kwargs: t.Dict[str, t.Any]
1720) -> t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any]:
1721    if not args and "attribute" in kwargs:
1722        attribute = kwargs.pop("attribute")
1723        default = kwargs.pop("default", None)
1725        if kwargs:
1726            raise FilterArgumentError(
1727                f"Unexpected keyword argument {next(iter(kwargs))!r}"
1728            )
1730        func = make_attrgetter(context.environment, attribute, default=default)
1731    else:
1732        try:
1733            name = args[0]
1734            args = args[1:]
1735        except LookupError:
1736            raise FilterArgumentError("map requires a filter argument") from None
1738        def func(item: t.Any) -> t.Any:
1739            return context.environment.call_filter(
1740                name, item, args, kwargs, context=context
1741            )
1743    return func
def prepare_select_or_reject( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, args: Tuple[Any, ...], kwargs: Dict[str, Any], modfunc: Callable[[Any], Any], lookup_attr: bool) -> Callable[[Any], Any]:
1746def prepare_select_or_reject(
1747    context: "Context",
1748    args: t.Tuple[t.Any, ...],
1749    kwargs: t.Dict[str, t.Any],
1750    modfunc: t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any],
1751    lookup_attr: bool,
1752) -> t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any]:
1753    if lookup_attr:
1754        try:
1755            attr = args[0]
1756        except LookupError:
1757            raise FilterArgumentError("Missing parameter for attribute name") from None
1759        transfunc = make_attrgetter(context.environment, attr)
1760        off = 1
1761    else:
1762        off = 0
1764        def transfunc(x: V) -> V:
1765            return x
1767    try:
1768        name = args[off]
1769        args = args[1 + off :]
1771        def func(item: t.Any) -> t.Any:
1772            return context.environment.call_test(name, item, args, kwargs)
1774    except LookupError:
1775        func = bool  # type: ignore
1777    return lambda item: modfunc(func(transfunc(item)))
def select_or_reject( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, value: Iterable[~V], args: Tuple[Any, ...], kwargs: Dict[str, Any], modfunc: Callable[[Any], Any], lookup_attr: bool) -> Iterator[~V]:
1780def select_or_reject(
1781    context: "Context",
1782    value: "t.Iterable[V]",
1783    args: t.Tuple[t.Any, ...],
1784    kwargs: t.Dict[str, t.Any],
1785    modfunc: t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any],
1786    lookup_attr: bool,
1787) -> "t.Iterator[V]":
1788    if value:
1789        func = prepare_select_or_reject(context, args, kwargs, modfunc, lookup_attr)
1791        for item in value:
1792            if func(item):
1793                yield item
async def async_select_or_reject( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, value: Union[AsyncIterable[~V], Iterable[~V]], args: Tuple[Any, ...], kwargs: Dict[str, Any], modfunc: Callable[[Any], Any], lookup_attr: bool) -> AsyncIterator[~V]:
1796async def async_select_or_reject(
1797    context: "Context",
1798    value: "t.Union[t.AsyncIterable[V], t.Iterable[V]]",
1799    args: t.Tuple[t.Any, ...],
1800    kwargs: t.Dict[str, t.Any],
1801    modfunc: t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any],
1802    lookup_attr: bool,
1803) -> "t.AsyncIterator[V]":
1804    if value:
1805        func = prepare_select_or_reject(context, args, kwargs, modfunc, lookup_attr)
1807        async for item in auto_aiter(value):
1808            if func(item):
1809                yield item
FILTERS = {'abs': <built-in function abs>, 'attr': <function do_attr>, 'batch': <function do_batch>, 'capitalize': <function do_capitalize>, 'center': <function do_center>, 'count': <built-in function len>, 'd': <function do_default>, 'default': <function do_default>, 'dictsort': <function do_dictsort>, 'e': <built-in function escape>, 'escape': <built-in function escape>, 'filesizeformat': <function do_filesizeformat>, 'first': <function do_first>, 'float': <function do_float>, 'forceescape': <function do_forceescape>, 'format': <function do_format>, 'groupby': <function do_groupby>, 'indent': <function do_indent>, 'int': <function do_int>, 'join': <function do_join>, 'last': <function do_last>, 'length': <built-in function len>, 'list': <function do_list>, 'lower': <function do_lower>, 'items': <function do_items>, 'map': <function do_map>, 'min': <function do_min>, 'max': <function do_max>, 'pprint': <function do_pprint>, 'random': <function do_random>, 'reject': <function do_reject>, 'rejectattr': <function do_rejectattr>, 'replace': <function do_replace>, 'reverse': <function do_reverse>, 'round': <function do_round>, 'safe': <function do_mark_safe>, 'select': <function do_select>, 'selectattr': <function do_selectattr>, 'slice': <function do_slice>, 'sort': <function do_sort>, 'string': <built-in function soft_str>, 'striptags': <function do_striptags>, 'sum': <function do_sum>, 'title': <function do_title>, 'trim': <function do_trim>, 'truncate': <function do_truncate>, 'unique': <function do_unique>, 'upper': <function do_upper>, 'urlencode': <function do_urlencode>, 'urlize': <function do_urlize>, 'wordcount': <function do_wordcount>, 'wordwrap': <function do_wordwrap>, 'xmlattr': <function do_xmlattr>, 'tojson': <function do_tojson>}