
 1from pytest_mock.plugin import AsyncMockType
 2from pytest_mock.plugin import MockerFixture
 3from pytest_mock.plugin import MockType
 4from pytest_mock.plugin import PytestMockWarning
 5from pytest_mock.plugin import class_mocker
 6from pytest_mock.plugin import mocker
 7from pytest_mock.plugin import module_mocker
 8from pytest_mock.plugin import package_mocker
 9from pytest_mock.plugin import pytest_addoption
10from pytest_mock.plugin import pytest_configure
11from pytest_mock.plugin import session_mocker
13MockFixture = MockerFixture  # backward-compatibility only (#204)
15__all__ = [
16    "AsyncMockType",
17    "MockerFixture",
18    "MockFixture",
19    "MockType",
20    "PytestMockWarning",
21    "pytest_addoption",
22    "pytest_configure",
23    "session_mocker",
24    "package_mocker",
25    "module_mocker",
26    "class_mocker",
27    "mocker",
AsyncMockType = <class 'unittest.mock.AsyncMock'>
class MockerFixture:
 85class MockerFixture:
 86    """
 87    Fixture that provides the same interface to functions in the mock module,
 88    ensuring that they are uninstalled at the end of each test.
 89    """
 91    def __init__(self, config: Any) -> None:
 92        self._mock_cache: MockCache = MockCache()
 93        self.mock_module = mock_module = get_mock_module(config)
 94        self.patch = self._Patcher(self._mock_cache, mock_module)  # type: MockerFixture._Patcher
 95        # aliases for convenience
 96        self.Mock = mock_module.Mock
 97        self.MagicMock = mock_module.MagicMock
 98        self.NonCallableMock = mock_module.NonCallableMock
 99        self.NonCallableMagicMock = mock_module.NonCallableMagicMock
100        self.PropertyMock = mock_module.PropertyMock
101        if hasattr(mock_module, "AsyncMock"):
102            self.AsyncMock = mock_module.AsyncMock
103 =
104        self.ANY = mock_module.ANY
105        self.DEFAULT = mock_module.DEFAULT
106        self.sentinel = mock_module.sentinel
107        self.mock_open = mock_module.mock_open
108        if hasattr(mock_module, "seal"):
109            self.seal = mock_module.seal
111    def create_autospec(
112        self, spec: Any, spec_set: bool = False, instance: bool = False, **kwargs: Any
113    ) -> MockType:
114        m: MockType = self.mock_module.create_autospec(
115            spec, spec_set, instance, **kwargs
116        )
117        self._mock_cache.add(m)
118        return m
120    def resetall(
121        self, *, return_value: bool = False, side_effect: bool = False
122    ) -> None:
123        """
124        Call reset_mock() on all patchers started by this fixture.
126        :param bool return_value: Reset the return_value of mocks.
127        :param bool side_effect: Reset the side_effect of mocks.
128        """
129        supports_reset_mock_with_args: Tuple[Type[Any], ...]
130        if hasattr(self, "AsyncMock"):
131            supports_reset_mock_with_args = (self.Mock, self.AsyncMock)
132        else:
133            supports_reset_mock_with_args = (self.Mock,)
135        for mock_item in self._mock_cache:
136            # See issue #237.
137            if not hasattr(mock_item.mock, "reset_mock"):
138                continue
139            # NOTE: The mock may be a dictionary
140            if hasattr(mock_item.mock, "spy_return_list"):
141                mock_item.mock.spy_return_list = []
142            if isinstance(mock_item.mock, supports_reset_mock_with_args):
143                mock_item.mock.reset_mock(
144                    return_value=return_value, side_effect=side_effect
145                )
146            else:
147                mock_item.mock.reset_mock()
149    def stopall(self) -> None:
150        """
151        Stop all patchers started by this fixture. Can be safely called multiple
152        times.
153        """
154        self._mock_cache.clear()
156    def stop(self, mock: unittest.mock.MagicMock) -> None:
157        """
158        Stops a previous patch or spy call by passing the ``MagicMock`` object
159        returned by it.
160        """
161        self._mock_cache.remove(mock)
163    def spy(self, obj: object, name: str) -> MockType:
164        """
165        Create a spy of method. It will run method normally, but it is now
166        possible to use `mock` call features with it, like call count.
168        :param obj: An object.
169        :param name: A method in object.
170        :return: Spy object.
171        """
172        method = getattr(obj, name)
174        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
175            spy_obj.spy_return = None
176            spy_obj.spy_exception = None
177            try:
178                r = method(*args, **kwargs)
179            except BaseException as e:
180                spy_obj.spy_exception = e
181                raise
182            else:
183                spy_obj.spy_return = r
184                spy_obj.spy_return_list.append(r)
185            return r
187        async def async_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
188            spy_obj.spy_return = None
189            spy_obj.spy_exception = None
190            try:
191                r = await method(*args, **kwargs)
192            except BaseException as e:
193                spy_obj.spy_exception = e
194                raise
195            else:
196                spy_obj.spy_return = r
197                spy_obj.spy_return_list.append(r)
198            return r
200        if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(method):
201            wrapped = functools.update_wrapper(async_wrapper, method)
202        else:
203            wrapped = functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, method)
205        autospec = inspect.ismethod(method) or inspect.isfunction(method)
207        spy_obj = self.patch.object(obj, name, side_effect=wrapped, autospec=autospec)
208        spy_obj.spy_return = None
209        spy_obj.spy_return_list = []
210        spy_obj.spy_exception = None
211        return spy_obj
213    def stub(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> unittest.mock.MagicMock:
214        """
215        Create a stub method. It accepts any arguments. Ideal to register to
216        callbacks in tests.
218        :param name: the constructed stub's name as used in repr
219        :return: Stub object.
220        """
221        return cast(
222            unittest.mock.MagicMock,
223            self.mock_module.MagicMock(spec=lambda *args, **kwargs: None, name=name),
224        )
226    def async_stub(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> AsyncMockType:
227        """
228        Create a async stub method. It accepts any arguments. Ideal to register to
229        callbacks in tests.
231        :param name: the constructed stub's name as used in repr
232        :return: Stub object.
233        """
234        return cast(
235            AsyncMockType,
236            self.mock_module.AsyncMock(spec=lambda *args, **kwargs: None, name=name),
237        )
239    class _Patcher:
240        """
241        Object to provide the same interface as mock.patch, mock.patch.object,
242        etc. We need this indirection to keep the same API of the mock package.
243        """
245        DEFAULT = object()
247        def __init__(self, mock_cache, mock_module):
248            self.__mock_cache = mock_cache
249            self.mock_module = mock_module
251        def _start_patch(
252            self, mock_func: Any, warn_on_mock_enter: bool, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
253        ) -> MockType:
254            """Patches something by calling the given function from the mock
255            module, registering the patch to stop it later and returns the
256            mock object resulting from the mock call.
257            """
258            p = mock_func(*args, **kwargs)
259            mocked: MockType = p.start()
260            self.__mock_cache.add(mock=mocked, patch=p)
261            if hasattr(mocked, "reset_mock"):
262                # check if `mocked` is actually a mock object, as depending on autospec or target
263                # parameters `mocked` can be anything
264                if hasattr(mocked, "__enter__") and warn_on_mock_enter:
265                    mocked.__enter__.side_effect = lambda: warnings.warn(
266                        "Mocks returned by pytest-mock do not need to be used as context managers. "
267                        "The mocker fixture automatically undoes mocking at the end of a test. "
268                        "This warning can be ignored if it was triggered by mocking a context manager. "
269                        "",
270                        PytestMockWarning,
271                        stacklevel=5,
272                    )
273            return mocked
275        def object(
276            self,
277            target: object,
278            attribute: str,
279            new: object = DEFAULT,
280            spec: Optional[object] = None,
281            create: bool = False,
282            spec_set: Optional[object] = None,
283            autospec: Optional[object] = None,
284            new_callable: object = None,
285            **kwargs: Any,
286        ) -> MockType:
287            """API to mock.patch.object"""
288            if new is self.DEFAULT:
289                new = self.mock_module.DEFAULT
290            return self._start_patch(
291                self.mock_module.patch.object,
292                True,
293                target,
294                attribute,
295                new=new,
296                spec=spec,
297                create=create,
298                spec_set=spec_set,
299                autospec=autospec,
300                new_callable=new_callable,
301                **kwargs,
302            )
304        def context_manager(
305            self,
306            target: builtins.object,
307            attribute: str,
308            new: builtins.object = DEFAULT,
309            spec: Optional[builtins.object] = None,
310            create: bool = False,
311            spec_set: Optional[builtins.object] = None,
312            autospec: Optional[builtins.object] = None,
313            new_callable: builtins.object = None,
314            **kwargs: Any,
315        ) -> MockType:
316            """This is equivalent to mock.patch.object except that the returned mock
317            does not issue a warning when used as a context manager."""
318            if new is self.DEFAULT:
319                new = self.mock_module.DEFAULT
320            return self._start_patch(
321                self.mock_module.patch.object,
322                False,
323                target,
324                attribute,
325                new=new,
326                spec=spec,
327                create=create,
328                spec_set=spec_set,
329                autospec=autospec,
330                new_callable=new_callable,
331                **kwargs,
332            )
334        def multiple(
335            self,
336            target: builtins.object,
337            spec: Optional[builtins.object] = None,
338            create: bool = False,
339            spec_set: Optional[builtins.object] = None,
340            autospec: Optional[builtins.object] = None,
341            new_callable: Optional[builtins.object] = None,
342            **kwargs: Any,
343        ) -> Dict[str, MockType]:
344            """API to mock.patch.multiple"""
345            return self._start_patch(
346                self.mock_module.patch.multiple,
347                True,
348                target,
349                spec=spec,
350                create=create,
351                spec_set=spec_set,
352                autospec=autospec,
353                new_callable=new_callable,
354                **kwargs,
355            )
357        def dict(
358            self,
359            in_dict: Union[Mapping[Any, Any], str],
360            values: Union[Mapping[Any, Any], Iterable[Tuple[Any, Any]]] = (),
361            clear: bool = False,
362            **kwargs: Any,
363        ) -> Any:
364            """API to mock.patch.dict"""
365            return self._start_patch(
366                self.mock_module.patch.dict,
367                True,
368                in_dict,
369                values=values,
370                clear=clear,
371                **kwargs,
372            )
374        @overload
375        def __call__(
376            self,
377            target: str,
378            new: None = ...,
379            spec: Optional[builtins.object] = ...,
380            create: bool = ...,
381            spec_set: Optional[builtins.object] = ...,
382            autospec: Optional[builtins.object] = ...,
383            new_callable: None = ...,
384            **kwargs: Any,
385        ) -> MockType: ...
387        @overload
388        def __call__(
389            self,
390            target: str,
391            new: _T,
392            spec: Optional[builtins.object] = ...,
393            create: bool = ...,
394            spec_set: Optional[builtins.object] = ...,
395            autospec: Optional[builtins.object] = ...,
396            new_callable: None = ...,
397            **kwargs: Any,
398        ) -> _T: ...
400        @overload
401        def __call__(
402            self,
403            target: str,
404            new: None,
405            spec: Optional[builtins.object],
406            create: bool,
407            spec_set: Optional[builtins.object],
408            autospec: Optional[builtins.object],
409            new_callable: Callable[[], _T],
410            **kwargs: Any,
411        ) -> _T: ...
413        @overload
414        def __call__(
415            self,
416            target: str,
417            new: None = ...,
418            spec: Optional[builtins.object] = ...,
419            create: bool = ...,
420            spec_set: Optional[builtins.object] = ...,
421            autospec: Optional[builtins.object] = ...,
422            *,
423            new_callable: Callable[[], _T],
424            **kwargs: Any,
425        ) -> _T: ...
427        def __call__(
428            self,
429            target: str,
430            new: builtins.object = DEFAULT,
431            spec: Optional[builtins.object] = None,
432            create: bool = False,
433            spec_set: Optional[builtins.object] = None,
434            autospec: Optional[builtins.object] = None,
435            new_callable: Optional[Callable[[], Any]] = None,
436            **kwargs: Any,
437        ) -> Any:
438            """API to mock.patch"""
439            if new is self.DEFAULT:
440                new = self.mock_module.DEFAULT
441            return self._start_patch(
442                self.mock_module.patch,
443                True,
444                target,
445                new=new,
446                spec=spec,
447                create=create,
448                spec_set=spec_set,
449                autospec=autospec,
450                new_callable=new_callable,
451                **kwargs,
452            )

Fixture that provides the same interface to functions in the mock module, ensuring that they are uninstalled at the end of each test.

MockerFixture(config: Any)
 91    def __init__(self, config: Any) -> None:
 92        self._mock_cache: MockCache = MockCache()
 93        self.mock_module = mock_module = get_mock_module(config)
 94        self.patch = self._Patcher(self._mock_cache, mock_module)  # type: MockerFixture._Patcher
 95        # aliases for convenience
 96        self.Mock = mock_module.Mock
 97        self.MagicMock = mock_module.MagicMock
 98        self.NonCallableMock = mock_module.NonCallableMock
 99        self.NonCallableMagicMock = mock_module.NonCallableMagicMock
100        self.PropertyMock = mock_module.PropertyMock
101        if hasattr(mock_module, "AsyncMock"):
102            self.AsyncMock = mock_module.AsyncMock
103 =
104        self.ANY = mock_module.ANY
105        self.DEFAULT = mock_module.DEFAULT
106        self.sentinel = mock_module.sentinel
107        self.mock_open = mock_module.mock_open
108        if hasattr(mock_module, "seal"):
109            self.seal = mock_module.seal
def create_autospec( self, spec: Any, spec_set: bool = False, instance: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[unittest.mock.MagicMock, unittest.mock.AsyncMock, unittest.mock.NonCallableMagicMock]:
111    def create_autospec(
112        self, spec: Any, spec_set: bool = False, instance: bool = False, **kwargs: Any
113    ) -> MockType:
114        m: MockType = self.mock_module.create_autospec(
115            spec, spec_set, instance, **kwargs
116        )
117        self._mock_cache.add(m)
118        return m
def resetall(self, *, return_value: bool = False, side_effect: bool = False) -> None:
120    def resetall(
121        self, *, return_value: bool = False, side_effect: bool = False
122    ) -> None:
123        """
124        Call reset_mock() on all patchers started by this fixture.
126        :param bool return_value: Reset the return_value of mocks.
127        :param bool side_effect: Reset the side_effect of mocks.
128        """
129        supports_reset_mock_with_args: Tuple[Type[Any], ...]
130        if hasattr(self, "AsyncMock"):
131            supports_reset_mock_with_args = (self.Mock, self.AsyncMock)
132        else:
133            supports_reset_mock_with_args = (self.Mock,)
135        for mock_item in self._mock_cache:
136            # See issue #237.
137            if not hasattr(mock_item.mock, "reset_mock"):
138                continue
139            # NOTE: The mock may be a dictionary
140            if hasattr(mock_item.mock, "spy_return_list"):
141                mock_item.mock.spy_return_list = []
142            if isinstance(mock_item.mock, supports_reset_mock_with_args):
143                mock_item.mock.reset_mock(
144                    return_value=return_value, side_effect=side_effect
145                )
146            else:
147                mock_item.mock.reset_mock()

Call reset_mock() on all patchers started by this fixture.

  • bool return_value: Reset the return_value of mocks.
  • bool side_effect: Reset the side_effect of mocks.
def stopall(self) -> None:
149    def stopall(self) -> None:
150        """
151        Stop all patchers started by this fixture. Can be safely called multiple
152        times.
153        """
154        self._mock_cache.clear()

Stop all patchers started by this fixture. Can be safely called multiple times.

def stop(self, mock: unittest.mock.MagicMock) -> None:
156    def stop(self, mock: unittest.mock.MagicMock) -> None:
157        """
158        Stops a previous patch or spy call by passing the ``MagicMock`` object
159        returned by it.
160        """
161        self._mock_cache.remove(mock)

Stops a previous patch or spy call by passing the MagicMock object returned by it.

def spy( self, obj: object, name: str) -> Union[unittest.mock.MagicMock, unittest.mock.AsyncMock, unittest.mock.NonCallableMagicMock]:
163    def spy(self, obj: object, name: str) -> MockType:
164        """
165        Create a spy of method. It will run method normally, but it is now
166        possible to use `mock` call features with it, like call count.
168        :param obj: An object.
169        :param name: A method in object.
170        :return: Spy object.
171        """
172        method = getattr(obj, name)
174        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
175            spy_obj.spy_return = None
176            spy_obj.spy_exception = None
177            try:
178                r = method(*args, **kwargs)
179            except BaseException as e:
180                spy_obj.spy_exception = e
181                raise
182            else:
183                spy_obj.spy_return = r
184                spy_obj.spy_return_list.append(r)
185            return r
187        async def async_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
188            spy_obj.spy_return = None
189            spy_obj.spy_exception = None
190            try:
191                r = await method(*args, **kwargs)
192            except BaseException as e:
193                spy_obj.spy_exception = e
194                raise
195            else:
196                spy_obj.spy_return = r
197                spy_obj.spy_return_list.append(r)
198            return r
200        if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(method):
201            wrapped = functools.update_wrapper(async_wrapper, method)
202        else:
203            wrapped = functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, method)
205        autospec = inspect.ismethod(method) or inspect.isfunction(method)
207        spy_obj = self.patch.object(obj, name, side_effect=wrapped, autospec=autospec)
208        spy_obj.spy_return = None
209        spy_obj.spy_return_list = []
210        spy_obj.spy_exception = None
211        return spy_obj

Create a spy of method. It will run method normally, but it is now possible to use mock call features with it, like call count.

  • obj: An object.
  • name: A method in object.

Spy object.

def stub(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> unittest.mock.MagicMock:
213    def stub(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> unittest.mock.MagicMock:
214        """
215        Create a stub method. It accepts any arguments. Ideal to register to
216        callbacks in tests.
218        :param name: the constructed stub's name as used in repr
219        :return: Stub object.
220        """
221        return cast(
222            unittest.mock.MagicMock,
223            self.mock_module.MagicMock(spec=lambda *args, **kwargs: None, name=name),
224        )

Create a stub method. It accepts any arguments. Ideal to register to callbacks in tests.

  • name: the constructed stub's name as used in repr

Stub object.

def async_stub(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> unittest.mock.AsyncMock:
226    def async_stub(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> AsyncMockType:
227        """
228        Create a async stub method. It accepts any arguments. Ideal to register to
229        callbacks in tests.
231        :param name: the constructed stub's name as used in repr
232        :return: Stub object.
233        """
234        return cast(
235            AsyncMockType,
236            self.mock_module.AsyncMock(spec=lambda *args, **kwargs: None, name=name),
237        )

Create a async stub method. It accepts any arguments. Ideal to register to callbacks in tests.

  • name: the constructed stub's name as used in repr

Stub object.

MockFixture = <class 'MockerFixture'>
MockType = typing.Union[unittest.mock.MagicMock, unittest.mock.AsyncMock, unittest.mock.NonCallableMagicMock]
class PytestMockWarning(builtins.UserWarning):
41class PytestMockWarning(UserWarning):
42    """Base class for all warnings emitted by pytest-mock."""

Base class for all warnings emitted by pytest-mock.

Inherited Members
def pytest_addoption(parser: Any) -> None:
697def pytest_addoption(parser: Any) -> None:
698    parser.addini(
699        "mock_traceback_monkeypatch",
700        "Monkeypatch the mock library to improve reporting of the "
701        "assert_called_... methods",
702        default=True,
703    )
704    parser.addini(
705        "mock_use_standalone_module",
706        'Use standalone "mock" (from PyPI) instead of builtin "unittest.mock" '
707        "on Python 3",
708        default=False,
709    )
def pytest_configure(config: Any) -> None:
712def pytest_configure(config: Any) -> None:
713    tb = config.getoption("--tb", default="auto")
714    if (
715        parse_ini_boolean(config.getini("mock_traceback_monkeypatch"))
716        and tb != "native"
717    ):
718        wrap_assert_methods(config)
def session_mocker( pytestconfig: Any) -> Generator[MockerFixture, NoneType, NoneType]:
455def _mocker(pytestconfig: Any) -> Generator[MockerFixture, None, None]:
456    """
457    Return an object that has the same interface to the `mock` module, but
458    takes care of automatically undoing all patches after each test method.
459    """
460    result = MockerFixture(pytestconfig)
461    yield result
462    result.stopall()

Return an object that has the same interface to the mock module, but takes care of automatically undoing all patches after each test method.

def package_mocker( pytestconfig: Any) -> Generator[MockerFixture, NoneType, NoneType]:
455def _mocker(pytestconfig: Any) -> Generator[MockerFixture, None, None]:
456    """
457    Return an object that has the same interface to the `mock` module, but
458    takes care of automatically undoing all patches after each test method.
459    """
460    result = MockerFixture(pytestconfig)
461    yield result
462    result.stopall()

Return an object that has the same interface to the mock module, but takes care of automatically undoing all patches after each test method.

def module_mocker( pytestconfig: Any) -> Generator[MockerFixture, NoneType, NoneType]:
455def _mocker(pytestconfig: Any) -> Generator[MockerFixture, None, None]:
456    """
457    Return an object that has the same interface to the `mock` module, but
458    takes care of automatically undoing all patches after each test method.
459    """
460    result = MockerFixture(pytestconfig)
461    yield result
462    result.stopall()

Return an object that has the same interface to the mock module, but takes care of automatically undoing all patches after each test method.

def class_mocker( pytestconfig: Any) -> Generator[MockerFixture, NoneType, NoneType]:
455def _mocker(pytestconfig: Any) -> Generator[MockerFixture, None, None]:
456    """
457    Return an object that has the same interface to the `mock` module, but
458    takes care of automatically undoing all patches after each test method.
459    """
460    result = MockerFixture(pytestconfig)
461    yield result
462    result.stopall()

Return an object that has the same interface to the mock module, but takes care of automatically undoing all patches after each test method.

def mocker( pytestconfig: Any) -> Generator[MockerFixture, NoneType, NoneType]:
455def _mocker(pytestconfig: Any) -> Generator[MockerFixture, None, None]:
456    """
457    Return an object that has the same interface to the `mock` module, but
458    takes care of automatically undoing all patches after each test method.
459    """
460    result = MockerFixture(pytestconfig)
461    yield result
462    result.stopall()

Return an object that has the same interface to the mock module, but takes care of automatically undoing all patches after each test method.